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So...just when I think things are steadying down, there's always something around the corner to fuck things up.  First off, thanks to a communications SNAFU between my former homeowners' insurance and my mortgage broker, my mortgage payment is set to double by the beginning of next year - hopefully that will be straightened out by then, lest I end up squeezing myself into an apartment or find myself living under a bridge.

Speaking of the house - it would seem that after weathering several moderately strong hurricanes over the past decade or so without any real damage, after the last one, it would seem that a relatively weak category one storm was enough to actually cause some;  apparently, water managed to leak through my roof, and into a crack in the edge of the ceiling and wall on one of my rooms.  Given the roof itself still needs a thorough upgrade and rebuilt, which will likely cost somewhere in the five-figure range, it's just another headache I'll have to deal with.

Finally, I got a letter from the court demanding my presence for jury duty;  a while ago, back when I didn't have problems with anxiety and panic attacks, as well as having a car, it would've been an inconvenience, but it wouldn't be a major problem, as it is now.  Now, I'll have to get an excusal letter from my doctor and hope the judge will be sympathetic to my problems on this issue.

Also, I've decided to remove all of my regular works from deviantart due to their management absolutely whoring themselves out over AI-generated images, so fuck them with a live hand grenade.

But enough about my life shit that you probably don't care about - here we have Akari in a black, smooth neoprene beavertail suit trying to get people in Beta and Delta tiers to take request forms (hint, hint...);  you'll find this illustration at its full illustration in the Dropbox.

Take care.





Shiny sexy !