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And here we are...a new month;  Due to sufficient requests submitted back in June, I will continue on with the Level Beta tier for the time being, as well as work on any requests that have been been submitted prior - rest assured, If you're one of the ones that did, worry not - I have all requests stored in a highly advanced and foolproof method of storage of such things (certainly not a simple .txt file, oh, no...).

Anyway, new Dropbox passwords and links should be sent to all currently supporting patrons later this week, along with the introduction of two new tiers, whose names I can't remember right now and don't feel like being bothered by opening up new tabs as I'm typing this out.

I'm also considering creating yet another new tier, for those who wish for me to draw more than one character per illustration, this may come as welcome news.

Finally, the subject for this month's request illustration/poster/whatever - Here we have Reika, armed and dressed in some spacesuit/pilot suit whose design I probably ripp- was inspired by several anime/manga franchises here and there, standing inside a spaceship or space station, probably expecting something bad to happen, like an enemy attack or boarding action or not enough people submitting requests this month or something...

Anyway, you'll find the full-res version of this illustration in the Dropbox;  enjoy!




Are we putting requests for the month here?