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Well, this update was a bit unscheduled, much like what I did to my thumb this morning - hence the update.  Long story short, I was in the garage when I saw a stinging, flying insect headed my way - and in an attempt to give it some distance, I tripped myself up and belly landed onto the garage floor.

Smacked my head fairly hard against the wall and scraped my knees and elbow;  luckily, my head seems to be fine (no symptoms of any head trauma over the past five hours or so).  My right thumb, unfortunately, seems to have bore the brunt of the fall.

Went to the clinic and had several x-rays done, and confirmed I fractured my thumb in three places.  Suffice to say, it hurts, although like any other matter that involves doctors, my anxiety levels are pretty keyed up right now.

I'll be heading back to see an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow to find out my options (which unfortunately may involve surgery).

Obviously, this will have an impact on my ability to draw (although I'm left-handed, I use my right pretty heavy when working on illustrations) - for how long - I just don't know right now;  until I find out, I won't be drawing anything for a while, maybe a long while...

Addendum - went to the doctor the next day;  although I'll need to wear a splint on my thumb for a while, I won't need surgery and so long as I'm careful I can continue drawing.



Jeremy Christensen

OH DUDE.....rotten luck, i know exactly what you mean when it comes to anxiety around people!!! Hope you are feeling better soon!!!


I hope you heal soon. Falls are always a nasty thing to take, you never know what can go wrong. Health 1st