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First off, I'd like to apologize for my rather terse updates from last month and especially December - I was under a lot of stress at the time, much more than usual.  While your Patreon contributions, as well as those of Pixiv FANBOX subscribers and commissioned work help considerably in terms of literally putting food on the table, unfortunately, over half of my income is sourced from renting out my house to tenants.

As the old saying goes 'familiarity breeds contempt' - well, let's just say I'm very familiar with the people I've had live under my roof for the nearly three years they've been here.  To make things worse, these tenants happen to be members of my immediate family. 

If I were to make a list of the things these people have done to make my life a living hell, I'd be here for days, but for the sake of brevity, I'll focus on the event that was the straw that finally broke the camel's back.

At the time, there were three family members living in my house;  two of them currently pay the mortgage and utility bills - the other spends his waking hours slavishly on his Xbox and screaming into a headset when he's not in school...

So, back in December, the youngest one wanted to go see his father and mother ( the latter lived here but moved out several months ago, much to my relief) who live several hundred miles away.  

I rather strenuously objected to this, given that his father is a sociopathic piece of shit that's responsible for making my parents lose their home, along with the fact there's this thing called COVID floating around, and all three individuals involved refuse to be vaccinated.  However, I was overruled.

To make an already too-long story short, the youngest one's trip to go see his parents ended up with a swirl of domestic violence, false arrests and accusations, attorneys, endless phone calls and bickering during much of Christmas week extending into New Years', topped off by death threats from the youngest's father leveled against my entire family, myself included.

The aftermath?  Well, the youngest essentially spent most of his Christmas vacation being indoctrinated/brainwashed by his father while his mother was thrown in jail on false charges by him, and since his return, he's been much more disrespectful towards everyone in the house.  Oh, and he also brought back some COVID...

To make things worse, his mother has also moved back here, and returned to her headache-inducing, freeloading ways as if she never left.

Well, there you have it - an explanation for my behavior - not an excuse; my behavior towards patrons during this time was inexcusable, and for that, I'm sorry for my behavior and for having you all read this. 


Some Derp

I mean, you have a rent contract, right? Maybe the best course of action is to cease all contact except the cashflow, for your own sake? Just let them waste their lives while you try to enjoy your own? If they don't pay in time you can then throw them out based on breaching the rent contract, letting them fend on their own. If they invade your personal space univited, aren't there laws you can call upon to force them to keep their distance? I am not versed in american law and this course of action may need mental power or money you don't have yet, I just hope I could help somehow...


Well, by supporting my Patreon, you're already helping, and for that, you have my thanks. 🙂