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First off, just wanted to let you all know that the matter between Patreon and I over what happened has been resolved without any further incident.

Second, although I'm currently focusing most of my efforts towards Pixiv, Twitter, et al., I still intend to create NSFW content for those of you that support me here on Patreon - not as frequently as I did last month, but I'm going to try for at least one per week;  we'll see how that goes...

But for now, I have a goal for this month, one for me that is a bit ambitious: I want to put up at least thirty illustrations this month, or one per day, not including alts;  no real reason other than to see if it can be done - I think I may have done it back in the black-and-white lineart-only days, but not with fully coloured and shaded works.  I've selected thirty works of mine in various states of completion for this goal.  We'll see what happens there.

Well, by this time I'd start showing you some preview sketches of stuff I've been working on, but to tell the truth, I don't have any right now - but if I did, I'd unfortunately have to show them on a separate (and Patron-only) post to avoid a repeat of what happened last week.

I'll be uploading more old sketches to the Archives later this week or weekend as well.  As I reminder, if you seen an old work of mine you'd like to 'adopt' as I've discussed in other posts, let me know.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me via DM, in the comments section here or on Discord.  Otherwise, please keep an eye on Pixiv, dA and/or Twitter in the meantime!


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