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Finally resolved my hospital bill, thankfully with a very positive outcome;  this also means that tier pricing will remain as it is for the time being, as well as relieving a lot of stress on me at a personal level.

Judging by the current results of the latest poll that was launched, unless 25 of you decide to vote for hazmat or biker suits at the last second, one I finish the illustrations I've been working on, I'll be shifting my focus on more diving gear, followed by spacesuits, then latex, and finally hazmat and biker suits.

Also, I plan on focusing my efforts toward Patreon and FANBOX exclusively until the middle of August; by then I'll begin directing my attention towards Pixiv/deviantART/Twitter until mid-September, and so on.

Speaking of September, the 16th of that month will mark the first anniversary of the launch of this Patreon.  I've been thinking that I should do something special for the occasion, but as to what, I don't know.  If you've got any ideas, drop me a line...

I'll also begin compiling stuff from 2017 for introduction into the Archives.

And finally, The subjects for this update's sketches (which I'm working on concurrently, I'd like to have done at least as early as tomorrow...)

Well, that's about it.  If you've any comments, as always, please let me know in the comments or on Discord.


Apologies in advance for going all caps, but DO NOT LEAVE COMMENTS IN THE DROPBOX.  I've specifically stated in the FAQ that I don't permit comments there.  While I appreciate the sentiment and compliments, the Dropbox is not the place for such things. 

 If someone decides to leave a comment in the Dropbox again, I will give that individual a warning.  If the individual decides not to heed that warning, I will take stronger measures up to and including blocking that individual - permanently.

If you wish to leave comments about specific works, please leave them in the comments section of the post for the illustration in question, or PM me, or feel free to talk to me on Discord.




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