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As some of you may have recalled, I mentioned considering working on art with a 'darker' theme, way back in January.  At the time, I myself wasn't exactly sure what I meant, or how I was going to go about approaching such content.

Well, early last month, I set about working on a short story, set in the 2001: A Space Odyssey universe, adding paragraphs from time to time until I ended up with something resembling a story.  I figured I'd use a literary setting to find out how far I'd go with regards to such content before using a visual one.

I finally wrapped up said story a couple of a days ago, and released a rough version of it on my Discord.  Titled 'Wayfarer Seven', it's about seven female astronauts aboard a spaceship travelling through the solar system.  There's no sexual content here, although spacesuits, hazmat suits and medical equipment like ventilators/oxygen masks feature prominently.

Not to give away too much to the story, but a warning:  this story features some content that some will probably consider disturbing (no, there aren't any severed limbs, viscera or fountains of blood...I'm not going that far), including situations that go beyond peril and are out-and-out hopeless, along with some violence and yes...death.  If this sounds like something you're not interested in...DON'T READ IT.

I also plan to release this on Pixiv and...deviantART later;  depending on the feedback/reaction, I may create some accompanying artwork to this story, and possibly consider drawing similarly-themed illustrations in the future (via commission)...

Image above features a sketch of Akari, in her pod doing an EVA featured in the story (completed illustration will have her fully suited up and wearing her helmet)...




Whoa!!! This was awesome! Very intense and very enjoyable! I hope you do more like this, along with some art to go along with it!


While I enjoyed the tension of the story, personally I found the impending doom not entirely satisfying. Something about the indirect nature of murder in the story. Still, interesting. Look forward to other dark stories, though personally I would like a bit more action and struggle. Keep up the good work!