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So, yesterday, I took my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine;  initially, I was just sore around the injection site - but by midnight I was pretty much feeling like utter shit.  Body aches, chills, headache, fever - couldn't sleep at all.

Then this morning, as I was about to make myself breakfast and walked into the kitchen, I noticed my heart beating abnormally fast;  this drove me into a panic after realizing it wasn't slowing down after about half an hour.  Ended up getting taken to the ER.

Eventually, my heartrate stabilized on its own, and after a few hours I was released.  Apparently an abnormal rapid heartbeat is a possible side effect of the vaccine.  Physically, I feel a bit better overall than I did this morning.  However, mentally, I'm a mess right now.  Since I have no health insurance, I'll almost certainly be billed an exorbitant fee - and it could take months for me to find out if I qualify for any kind of financial relief.

Because of this, and along with the follow up visits I'll probably need to have, I am in no mood whatsoever to draw - for how long, I don't know.  All I know is, with the way my brain's wired, all I'm concerned with at this point is just how much this situation is going to screw me.  If this ends up taking months to resolve, I'll likely refund those who've commissioned me for works.


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