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Had a pretty nasty panic attack today, one of the worst I've experienced - and of course it had to occur while behind the wheel.  Having near-complete numbness over a large portion of your body, an overwhelming feeling of well...panic and several other very unpleasant sensations is not really something that makes for an enjoyable driving experience.

Most of the symptoms have subsided, but I'm still feeling pretty shaky at the moment;  I've had my share of attacks over the past several years, but this was one of the worse ones.  

Was planning on drawing today, but I'll be taking a break until tomorrow.  Sorry about that.



What happened there..... any remedies or medic treatment?


It was an unexpected panic attack; I've had recurring instances of anxiety and panic attacks over the past several years. Sometimes I'll feel the symptoms come on gradually, with others I get hit full force with an attack - the three worst ones occurred while driving. Only time I've sought medical treatment was when the first two attacks occurred - both happened when I either just started a job or was between jobs; the resulting medical bills and additional stress related to them has made me extremely distrustful and frankly, quite bitter towards the health 'care' system of the country in which I reside...