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Yup.  My desktop's currently dead.  Turned it on about three hours ago to work on some illustrations;  Power came on...and that was it.  No Windows, no BIOS...nothing.  Been doing nothing but troubleshooting and swearing since then, without success.  Currently posting this from some crappy laptop, but aside from putting up status reports here, web browsing and playing solitaire, it's not really capable of much else, including running CSP...which means any plans for this site have just come to a screeching halt.

I've got a couple more things to try before writing off my desktop completely, but it doesn't look good.  I'll likely be browsing the web for a new motherboard, CPU and GPU today and tonight.  If I do end up having to build a new PC, it could take days, maybe even weeks before I get everything running again...🤷



That sucks big time. Here's hoping the PC isn't fried and just needs some minor work. Doubtful I know but here's hoping.