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First off, to the relief of at least one individual I'm sure, I'm still alive, although unfortunately, I found out last week that a good friend of mine is no longer - turns out he passed away eight months ago (which would explain why he didn't keep in touch with me on Steam or called me since that time); good idea not to drift apart from your buddies unless you want to stumble across their name in an obituary and find out that way, but I digress...

Second, this concerns those that for whatever reason pledged via iOS, if you have, perhaps you should consider another method - i.e. a PC or Android. Frankly, I couldn't care less as the last time I owned any fruit was circa 1988-1991 because of a shit-ton of games available compared to PC at the time.

Here's the word for Patreon themselves:


So, unless you feel perfectly fine paying 30% more to some fruit company that isn't exactly hard-up for cash, please use another method.

With regards to stuff in general, I've noticed some people seem to think that I still use Dropbox or that my Discord server no longer exists - As I stated in earlier posts, I stopped using Dropbox after learning they were embracing the plague that was AI, and pulling a Deviantart by automatically opting-in users to their 'services' and having to opt-out after the fact.

If I ever find another cloud-based server that a) doesn't whore themselves out to AI techbros and b) doesn't give a shit about NSFW content being uploaded, I'll be sure to jump on it.

As for Discord, it's been back up since December of last year, and if you want to see what I've been working on - yes, despite my not putting stuff up here in forever, I've still been drawing on a fairly regular basis, albeit mostly sketches; I also stream every now and again, and I also post up interesting stuff I run across on Pixiv, Twitter and other platforms. I'm also open to talk to as I have no life and spend most of my waking hours in front of my PC and drawing tablet. If you want to see what I've up been to, then freaking click on the invite I send you via DM when you pledge...please.

Take care.



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