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Hey gang, thank you all for the continued support

Just wanted to apologize for the lack of spiciness this month. Had a bunch of exams all grouped up earlier and I had to put in extra time to work on school work since I was gone this past week attending the wedding of a long time friend. The ceremony was great and I even got a girl's number :3 the FTW rizz is real

Anywho, I'm back now and I'll have some good stuff for y'all before too long. Additionally I plan to be making a sort of "re-launch" of the Patreon in start of December; mainly just gonna be renaming the tiers and adding fancy graphics as well as a schedule. I also plan to be adding a "Sketch Request" tier where people in that tier will be able to get a sketch every month. The slots will be super limited upon launch since I don't want to overwhelm myself (maybe 5 slots to start) but if I'm able to keep up just fine I'll think of expanding it.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support!