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The Lay-Down Toilet, Title XXX: a porn version of everything, a penis blocker for Twitter, Roofie-Ozempic, a sound only women can hear, more Elmo hate, and the next chapter of Maddox's Cuckumentary: THE N-WORD; all that and more on this bonus episode of The Dick Show!



Timecode: 20:38 Wasn't that in Last Action Hero? It wasn't AI, but Arnold had a loop tape that would respond to his wife on the phone. "Mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah." Have you guys done a Dictation of Last Action Hero? You should. Get Tony Spaghettios to watch it with you.


Maddox is like if someone made a video game character with the Autism slider all the way to 100


I had found this a few months ago but didn't think to send it in because it wasn't interesting or funny, but now that you've been asking what Maddox does for money it seems appropriate. He was credited for making the thumbnail of this video in the description however I think it's the only he's done for this channel. https://youtu.be/XIVSa3wo0JU?si=gi04N9UAPfZ2Lucc

No Good

That thing about Maddox detangling spaghetti made me think of this whole documentary project as this. Normally when someone dumps spaghetti everywhere it's on a stream, but this is Maddox carefully and deliberately placing each noodle on the floor

Zexy Lover

Can someone make a super cut of all the times Sean has brought up the olestra commercial with the inner tube? Why does his mind go there so often?

Ben S

Thank you for making all this content for just my $5 for years Dick

Ben S

Harry’s pulled back because they cut a deal with Target and are THE Target brand now