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A right-wing fascist libertarian is elected in Argentina, a fake Thanksgiving, a specially abled man throws poop around a Goodwill, fat women try to arrest a man, Fruit Loops goes gay, women crash park a gigantic plane, and the age of consent of terrorism; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!


Episode 386 - Dick on Afuera!


Atticus Finch

@Martin O Keeffe Shut up ya fucking retard. It’s a fucking comedy show, fuck back off to Miriam O’Callaghan and paying your television licence to fund Ryan tubirty’s rent boys. Jesus Christ, why couldn’t that immigrant have gotten you. 😘 You would probably tell him it’s not his fault, the far right made him stab you, then you would try teach him the Riverdance while you bleed out. Also, everything I said is a joke……EXAGGERATED WINK Go fuk yourself.


I ask every minority I encounter if they can pop their eyes out like that