It's America's favorite video segment on a podcast: FAT WATCH!! And also the reason I lost my YouTube channel... Now you can enjoy FAT WATCH in pin form. Wear it to business functions, weddings, promotional events, interviews, school, work, parole hearings, your gf's mom's house, put it on someone's backpack when they're not looking... it's really endless fun.
Anyway, thanks for being a Patron!!! This is just a small token of my appreciation for making this show such a huge success. Designed by Corgan, made in China. I was hoping I could ship it out to you all for like a dollar, but the Post Office said no, SO THAT SUCKS.
TL;DR Use promo code FATWATCH2023 to get a free FAT WATCH PIN. You still have to pay for shipping. The discount is tied to your Patreon email address. Email me if it doesn't work.
I'm going to let orders come in this week before ordering so they MIGHT ship late, but it's Christmas. It's the time of miracles.
UPDATE: people wanted to get a new shirt with this, so protski made this doozy... GET THIS SHIRT!!!