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Mein Kampf causes problems in the Middle East, Mexicans giggling in the morning, folding laundry, all three world religions are in a contest to annoy you, Sven Stoffels calls in about his comic Butch Killigan and some other things, a guy's wife wants to cheat on him, the city wants to give me a sewer credit, cleaning San Francisco, Santa Claus shoots some road protesters, a woman doctor removes the wrong organ, and God; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!


Episode 384 - Dick on Butch Killigan



Picking between 40 babies or 72 virgins implies the babies are not virgins

Renegade Priest

*Unrelated* Reefer Madness (1936) is on Prime. I think it might be time for another Dicktation.


Love the Eric July stuff


How did the Jews even find out about Mein Kampf? There's not a Yiddish version right