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Boobs so big they turn you Italian, a special Dick Show George Floyd NFT giveaway, fat Beauty and the Beast, a guide on being a cuck, a guy with a blood fetish, an idiot stops a human trafficking, a fake tomb boy, the new c-word, and my dog starts her period; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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Episode 289 - Dick on Floydies



Benjamin Swearingen

I’d love to go to school instead but I thought school was fun and work is boring so it’s probably entirely up to that

Chris Yuri

1:22:33 he sounds like colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse now if Kurtz was a cuck

Kafeen Rush

getting hard to listen to the forced outrage of Dick anymore

thedickshow (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 20:27:27 Reddit is that way >>>
2021-12-27 05:06:46 Reddit is that way >>>

Reddit is that way >>>

The Monkinator

Holy shit, Squeabaughn's assessment of racism was so spot on! "Oh yea, they're probably out there.....they're just probably not that clever". Yup, nailed it Squabadon.