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Great entries into the Sean Dance Contest everyone! For those of you who didn't win, here's your chance!!

Stone Toss did an NFT launch last month that sold out in 22 minutes. Then his NFTs got banned on OpenSea and Rarible, so now, pretty much the only way to get them is from me. So from now until Christmas, I'm giving away one every week to a Dick Show Patreon.

Here's the catch.

Patreon doesn't allow lotteries or games of chance, so if you want to win yourself a one-of-a-kind Stone Toss NFT (limited edition, there's only 5,000 of them total), you have to throw your QR code in the ring in the form of a contest.

This week: #MaddoxLost

Record yourself starting a "Maddox Lost" chant. I'm talking packed stadiums, karaoke bars, bands of hobos shooting heroin behind an Arby's.... wherever you are. Will the winner be the biggest? The loudest? The most creative?? I don't know. That's why it's a contest.

Good luck! Submit your videos in the comments below and don't break any laws.



Guess who took the vaccine and still contracted covid :/ wont be able to do the flurk contest this week but I'll be blazing for one next week! I'm so excited to see all the entries though!


Going to a NY Rangers game tonight 👀


I lost my fucking voice and pulled every muscle in my neck practicing for the Macho Man contest for nothing? You fucking bastard.


No one in my country knows about The hot goss. So thats gonna be interesting


I wanted to do another 3d animation for this week, but have been busy on such short notice. Might have some time to throw something together before this ends


I wasn't going to do this one, but I suppose since nobody else is doing it... https://youtu.be/N_dMcP5WTcA MetaMask: 0xAB27F5787ff8489CE67AF313461f7E91A8c01fcf


Metamask: 0x44e634046F66a1Fd08190A11C0bA67c61D0B2cD5 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxG3geGaipU&ab_channel=AkwardZebra Looks like I put in more effort than anybody else so far.


0x9935B60426F2504acEC9D8E71F2bB1692d3868Fd https://youtube.com/shorts/yZiLdrWDGfg?feature=share

Samuel A.M.W.

Dammit I'm late, but I would have seen if I can't find somewhere- Texas is pretty open.


This still open?