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Youth soccer is ruined, a French Manicure military, Lizzo wears a tuna net, gay culture and the designated virgin, vaccine passport deja vu, Netflix stomps the trans resistance, waking up, paying attention, and the national divorce, and Brandon Buckingham in studio wrestling boxers and picking up Pokemon; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Episode 280 - Dick on The Designated Virgin




late and fat.


Cant believe Brandon met Frank Hassle.


Sean better get some hair extensions to fit in.

Wyatt Earp

Brandon is the goat of the genre of vids he makes, hell yeah

Clyde Frog

Damn dude, that was a hell of a spladel on that black dude. Takes me back to my wrasslin days. Good shit.

Jimmy Smits

The part about the guy shit talking your cigars and then admitting it was compulsive is so true. I honestly believe the majority of regular internet users are afflicted by this. Years ago I'd get into debates lasting 3 or 4 days just trying to get someone to realize how utterly devoid they are from being the least bit genuine. Makes the idea of having personality's downloaded pretty awful

The Gentleman Sausage

"It's just so nice going to any gay event because there's not a bunch of wandering, marauding date rapists walking around looking tough and puffing themselves up and wiping the creatine off their noses" ~ Dick, four days before getting assaulted by a puffed up creatine date rapist at a gay event

Chris Yuri

Salvador Dali is just one example, but you just need to look at Triumph of the Will and see right wing art is the best art.

Chris Yuri

Oh my God, GET MILKED on The Buckingham Show is some of the funniest shit ive ever seen hahaha


Right mom