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Give me your inventions and your solutions and your problems and all your shit...SEE YOU THERE



Bonus Episode 57




Burgers King crown guy. Call him and he will yell racial epithets people being obnoxious in public. Such as a woman chewing out her boyfriend or a dude blasting music at a pool


A TV station that just shows fat people struggling to do everyday tasks. The best motivation for not looking like Boogie would be watching him struggle to lift his fat ass off the toilet, or Vito trying to tie his shoes, or Ralph trying to walk up stairs.


A microchip that is surgically installed into your woman's brain. She will be told that it will allow her to communicate with her dog better. In reality it will function as an on/off switch controlled by the man's smartphone app. The app has many settings including one that limits the woman to asking you one question per conversation. If she asks more than one question the shutoff kicks in. Also if she gets too annoying you can re-program her to be your maid rather than breaking up with her. She will never complain about the chip because it really simulates her dog talking to her in english. Even if you got rid of the dog months ago.


A vaccine that cures Autism


A device that stops people from mishearing your Mhmm's as Hmm?'s. Not only will it save you from the embarrassment of looking like a dunce who makes 'hmmmm?' sounds as an adult, but you also won't have to listen to the repeat of some dumb shit you weren't interested in hearing about anyway(hence the Mhmm in the first place).


A wheel lock for your shower so when other people use your shower they can't adjust it out of your normal shower temperature range.