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Pooping in Lederhosen, the curse of never-ending stamina, not-level advice on prostitution, the loneliest Dickhead, Matty P and salsa jars are too high, adblockers and spite, people who shout at dogs, academic affirmative action, slow gas pumps, the Jesus of Lawsuits, and the full uncut audio from episode 17 of The Biggest Problem in the Universe; all that and more on this bonus episode of The Dick Show!

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Just want to say... the original episode didn't make me flinch because I don't remember this. Then the Maddox video dropped and I was shocked. Then after time passed, I heard Dick's edited statement and it registered. Oh, I get what he's saying. Protect yourself. Then I hear this unedited audio... what the fuck? Dick (obviously) was right all along. How do you edit out his explanation? He further explains the meaning for people like me who may have missed it. It pisses me off that Maddox cut out how Dick explained what he meant. Isn't that the point of a discussion? Properly explaining your point if a party doesn't understand? I had this feeling prior to listening to this episode but FUCK Maddox. Preaching to the choir, I guess. Sorry.


By therapy do you mean asking the girl to wear a paper bag?


Prima Noctis! (first)


To the guy who can’t cum. You’ve just gotta get the therapy dude. I had a friend who had the same thing, he’d fuck for an hour, not cum, and the girl would get self conscious. It’s most likely an anxiety thing, my friend was aware of this but also didn’t want to go to therapy. I personally had the opposite problem and trust me dude I tried every mental exercise on my own for three plus years. Just get to therapy man, I just started and I already feel better.


No cum guy, masterbation with live bro. High friction masterbation makes u less sensitive




This says audio but it's the video.


totally agree on the mindset maddox is in in that clip, it dominates the entirety of tbpitu, particularly the early-mid span of episodes, where he's just pandering to the audience that will get offended by what you say, making himself look reasonable to the pedants