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Chicago used to be known as the Windy City, but now it is known as the third city to host The Dick Show Presents: Road Rage.

Madcucks brought the snacks, Coach protected The Letter, Peach gave life to Jass before our eyes, Asterios found a lost episode, Sean got new shoes, Reddit lost to Facebook, dreams were made, and I look fat. Thank you, Chicago!

Read the post below to see all the pics, all the quilt, and all the Madcucks.

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Asterios found a lost episode, and a lost episode was found?


Chicago live audio engineers are my rage


Not only do we have no video. We have crappy audio and too much of that fucking idiot asterios who isn’t funny

Phone Losers of America

You should complain like a bitch about it, Shawn. You'll feel better if you do.