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Howdy howdy! Just some thoughts and musings recorded last night before the new year. It's been an unexpectedly wild year, but I thank each of you for getting through it with me.

here's a new years kiss -- MWAH 




Sorry to hear that you had a rough year Eggs 🥺🫂 You will not be forgotten!!! Happy to support you ❤️ ❤️ Happy new years Egg!! May this new year be better than the previous year 🙏 and may this new year bring you happiness, joy and new opportunities!! 🙏


Yeah, 2023 had been a tough one all round. You had a huge change, and that's bound to have been a struggle. I hope you don't feel too disappointed in yourself, because it says a lot about the amazing person you are that you would make and deal with those changes. You have been missed, but never forgotten. I understand that feeling so much though, coz I that's always a concern for me too, even though I know what it's like on this side of it. You're awesome. Don't forget that. 😘💜