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I'll be opening more Tier 2 slots by the end of next week. However, this means that I'll be reducing the number of requests from 2 to just 1. (IF YOU'VE ALREADY SENT ME YOUR 2 REQUESTS FOR THIS MONTH, THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU. IT WILL TAKE EFFECT ON YOUR NEXT MONTH'S PAYMENT).

To balance the price per set, I'll be increasing the number of images to 60-80 per set. (Sets featuring gangbangs will have fewer images, as in my opinion, I'm not as skilled in that area, and the AI isn't as good either).

And finally, I can take commissions via PayPal, but these will be more expensive (The price will vary depending on how many commissions I have accumulated.), and will take 1 week to 2 weeks to get it done due the requests.

AI translated for Japanese fellas:

来週末までに、Tier 2のスロットをさらに追加します。しかし、これにより、リクエストの数を2つから1つに減らすことになります。(もしすでに今月の2つのリクエストを送信された場合、この変更は適用されません。次月の支払いから影響します)。





Can you make some BBC works about Saber(Fate stay night) with Berserker(Fate stay night)?If so,I will keep paying next month.


Nice, wanting so much to have more slots, Thanks!!
