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Hello everyone!

As some of you know, there's a chance but not 100% that I could be moving in Feb! Because it's not certain if it'll even go ahead yet, but is looking likely (without jinxing anything-!) I'm taking initiative to pause my Patreon for Febuary to give me time to potentially pack/setup at the new place. If it doesn't go ahead, I will still be using this time to pack most likely.

You won't be charged for Feb if you decide to stick around, and things should go back to normal in March. It means I will be getting the Cookie animation out before the end of Jan, and that the Braeburn animation release will be delayed publically for an extra month.

Speaking of the Cookie animation, I should have the WIP for it done and out by tonight!~

Thank you guys for understanding and for your patience during this hectic time :D


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