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Hi everyone,

Just letting you know that there's going to be some delays on my end, as this month has been a bit of a rollercoaster and all sorts have been happening IRL. I've got a funeral for my Grandma next week and some wedding organisation, both in my hometown. I also have another funeral for a close friend of the family possibly happening this month as well, but might not be until December. It's been heavy.

Regardless, this wont stop progress on the main Neopets animation for this month, but it will delay the WIP for the $3 tier. It also means that I will most likely not be able to get any VN progress done for the $5 tier, if you would like a refund for this month please message me and I will completely understand!

$75 headshot guys, I'll be aiming to get your animations done by the end of the month too.

Thank you guys,

P.S. On an unrelated note, 'Klaus' just came out on Netflix and I HIGHLY recommend it, if you even just watch one Holiday film this year :)



Take your time dude! Life happens!