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Jiro: "You know just because your quirk is being tiny doesn't mean you can sneak into girls rooms and not get caught. Especially when the girl you're perving on has super hearing. Don't play dumb I know what your up too, I've seen you lurking around the other girls feet when you think no ones looking. Which by the way a foot fetish seriously? You know for someone your size I'm not sure if that's perfect or ironically cruel. Because if I was your size I wouldn't want to be anywhere near some ones feet. I Even watched you almost get skewered by Midnights heel, honestly it's probably a good thing she didn't notice you, she probably would have stepped on you on purpose. And speaking of getting stepped on I don't want you to just wind up some red smear on a girls shoe the next time you're feeling hot and bothered. How do you think our classmates would feel if they knew they crushed you! That's if they ever even noticed. No I'm not letting that happen I'm taking charge of the situation, like it or not the only feet you'll be dealing with are mine! If you don't like it we can talk to the other girls about this and see what they think, how doe's that sound? Yeah that's what I thought. From now on I'm your babysitter and I'm not working for free, you can start paying me by cleaning my boots. Hey better to be licking my boots then to be crushed under them right? Do a good job and maybe you'll get a reward.



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