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I made a Facebook site for my girls. If you like my works and you are on the facebook please like this site. Thank you very much!





Congrats! I just don't do facebook anymore


Hi Peter, i wish you a Merry Christmas and nice days. Thank you for all your pictures this year. Cant wait to see the new ones next year. ;)

Colin Campbell

Happy Christmas Kondas and a great new year, And thank you so much for the amazing sexy art you've done for us all this year. We I am sure look forward to a better year ahead and the extra joy of your new years art to come our way! Thank you again. 8 )


Merry Christmas to you. Many thanks for all your amazing images. they have brought colour to an otherwise dull year. I am looking forward to seeing what you bring to us in the New Year. Stay safe and have fun.


Thank you very much! I wish you a Merry Christmas and nice days too! πŸŽ„ I am working on next year pictures now. πŸ™‚


I wish you a Merry Christmas too!πŸŽ„ Yes, I hope the next year will be better than this year. I try to make more new contents for the next year.


I wish you a Merry Christmas too!πŸŽ„I am very happy my works make yours days a little bit better. πŸ™‚ Really these pictures make my days better, too. πŸ™‚


Thanks Peter for great images during 2021. It helped getting through COVID. I'm looking forward to more great images in 2022. Stay safe and healthy.


Thank you very much! I hope my further pictures give more strength against the viruses. Of course the daily movement and the vitamins are just as importants. πŸ™‚