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Hullo everyone. How ya doin? We're doing good, Baby is good, and most importantly, Dograc is good. Posting this at 11PM at night because it's Real Dad Hours.

We took some time to sit down and record something for you fine people on Patreon just cuz I like ya so much. So here's a PATREON EXCLUSIVE for you. I felt like Veracsplaining to my wife for a while about the video I'm making on XCOM: Chimera Squad (not that she hasn't heard about it already but she doesn't have a choice). 

Give it a listen if you're interested in the XCOM series, or bad games, or games that I'm going to complain unnecessarily longly about, or if you just want to hear my silly noises for roughly 40 minutes.

Hope you enjoy it! More to come soon.

Take care,




I feel chimera squad was made to put something out in between games and likely to test some possible midnight suns gameplay elements to see how they would go over with their core audience.


I actually like a lot of the gameplay ideas they experiment with. My problems mostly stem from Chimera Squad being considered canon by the developers. This makes the extremely bad writing and worldbuilding a problem for any future XCOM title.

Trat Tran

I hope 1 day u will become famous like u deserve because u definitely earn it, it will be sad that it will be hard to chat with u but I will be glad to see u pop off.