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Hullo! Short post here to keep you guys updated with things.

Firstly, I've been enjoying streaming a lot recently and always like seeing you guys pop in when you can. I'm feeling extremely grateful lately for how many people support the ol' Verac Family every month here on Patreon, and via superchats now too. Thank you.

Secondly, here's the plan for the near future: 

- Currently streaming Bioshock trilogy and will probably make a trilogy review about it.

- Will be streaming and making a stream-highlights video of Darkest Dungeon 2 when it releases in early May.

- Cave Story is another game I may stream, and potentially make a review video about in the future too.

I want to stream more games as they come out, so let me know any new games you're interested about that you'd like to see me play. DD2 is definitely top of the list for now. Anyway, more videos and streams on the way. Have a good weekend!



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