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Plans for NEW CONTENT™ are coming to VERAC CHANNEL™. If you don't mind what I do and just want to support me - genuinely, thank you so much. For those who are interested about what's in store, and for those who can scale this wall of text, read ahead.

To preface: I use all the income I earn from making videos toward supporting my family. We don't have much, but we get by. For me, as long as Mrs. Verac and our dog have food to eat, I'm happy.

I recently had a sponsor, which is nice - plus, your support on here has been way more generous than I ever could've expected. But the majority of my income thus far has been from YouTube ad revenue.

It takes me about a month to make a scripted, well-edited video review. Sometimes a little longer. That had me thinking lately: What happens when I inevitably get slapped by YouTube? What happens when they decide to demonitize one of my videos the moment I post it, and they don't listen to an appeal? I've seen it happen with too many others before me.

That's an entire month's work of effort completely thrown out the window - a month's work of income that I can no longer use to support the people who rely on me. It doesn't sit right with me to allow that to happen.

So here's the strategy: more frequent uploads.

Continue making scripted reviews, and ALSO upload a different type of video that can be produced significantly faster. Possibly on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. That way, if one of them gets slapped by YouTube's monetization system, it only tanks us for a week or two. Not an entire month.

Here's what I'm thinking:

1. More Streaming! Why gather footage offline when I could do it with an audience?

2. Turn the funniest and best moments from those streams into videos. Around 10 to 20 minutes long - maybe longer depending on the game - while not sacrificing entertainment value.

3. Continue making reviews for titles I feel strongly about whenever possible while also doing 1 and 2.

These stream videos will be a little more casual than my previous work - allowing me to upload more frequently. This format also allows me to share my experience with newer games before they go out of style, something that's difficult to do when making a detailed, scripted review.

They'll also be titled differently so that you can tell what's a scripted review and what isn't.

And no, I'm not naming it "Family Verac Funny Moments #72"....probably not, anyway.

My goal with the channel has always been to provide entertaining videos about games that I find interesting. If I can do that more frequently - in a way that supports those who need me, even when one or two videos gets demonitized - then I will feel I've succeeded.

If you came here to only support review content, and decide you aren't interested in these new kind of videos, I understand. I'm extremely grateful for the help you guys have given so far and don't take any of it for granted.

But if you are interested, come watch me stream! I've seen a couple of you in chat already and I'm always happy to recognize a username from here. The last couple days I've been playing the new Resident Evil 4. I intend on making a video about RE4 from all the best moments of these streams in the near future. I'm happy to say there's been quite a few good moments already.

The VODs for the streams will continue to be posted on the side channel, VeracLIVE, if you'd like to watch/listen to the full stream after it's done.

Anyway, this has gotten quite lengthy and melodramatic. But as the people who directly support the channel, I believe you deserve to know about these kind of things. Feel free to let me know your thoughts either in the comments or by private message.

As always, more reviews to come. And now, more streams and other videos too. Take care!






Do whatever works for you man doing different stuff oughta spice things up.you do good work and you gotta eat you deserve the support your getting.Keep it up!