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Welcome to all of you who have joined since I first spoke about my Patreon on the channel. It's hard to describe how grateful I am that you liked my content enough to donate. Thank you!

I'm working hard on the next video - the script is done and the footage for the game has been recorded. I'm trying to put this one out a little faster than usual without sacrificing quality. I want you to feel like you're getting value out of your support!

You should see it by next weekend - Friday the 16th or Saturday the 17th. I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you very much again for choosing to support me!



No, thank you for creating entertaining bideos! discord/twitch when?

History Elemental

Thank you for being an entertaining creator!!


I'm very glad that you enjoy them! Discord is a possibility if I can find a reliable team of mods that I trust. As for streaming, if I were to do it, it would probably be on YouTube - maybe some Patron-only streams for hanging out or Q&A.