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Sadly, today the spotty connection on my graphics tablet finally failed. I had attempted a repair- but I was unable to correct the issue do so.

I can, of course, still draw with a pen and paper but digital art is my main form of art so i'm afraid until a suitable replacement can be found I will have to be taking a step back from my regular drawings.

Thank you all in advance for your patience



. What repair is needed?

Harmless Kitten

If there is a way to get it repaired, I'd be more than happy to pre-order a commission to help pay for it!


As I see it there are 4 repairs possible 1. Resolder the existing receptacle and pads in place - probably using solder paste 2. If the original receptacle is too damaged, purchasing a new one and doing the same 3. Purchasing an off-market cellphone battery charger, and forever more using the wireless option (I dislike this option as the wireless has been laggy for me in the past) 4. Stripping the usb cable and hard wiring the connection in place I personally prefer the last option the most, as it would present a permanent solution to the issue that plagues the tablet and would be the easiest to do as the different solder points are far apart as opposed to the extremely delicate 5 pin receptacle soldering. I'd prefer not to go into why exactly but I dont really want to be purchasing any additional items at the moment, so while I will be attempting this fix, its not likely to happen until some time at the end of April


There may be, see my reply to Fox above, but I am unsure it would work and that would leave you in limbo for an indeterminate amount of time.


. I’ve hardwired a tablet that way too. It’s a pain to use but, it makes the device useable until one can replace it.


Sadly my skills were not up to the task and I was not able to solder it. I failed too many times and burned the board, I managed to restore DC in but data is not working.