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Peaches has a market stall in the village your farm is next to, she mainly sells produce. She's absolutely adorable, bubbly, and completely clueless, as a doggo girl should be. 

Peaches grows a LOT up top in the story, she has a BE focus... She also has a crush on you. Don't tell the foxgirl. 

I'm actually all done with all character images and have moved on to debugging, but will keep posting some of the characters over the next couple weeks because debugging is boring to post updates about. Debugging is going well though!

I never like to rush content and only like to release fairly polished builds, but I could probably release a pre-pre alpha that's missing a few core game elements today. The main story is all there and most of the game functions as intended. I'm still polishing and working on some renders for the milking minigame still, and need to test and work on some of the endings. I also need to make graphics for the sex scenes in the game too. Lots to do, but lots of progress.

Thanks for your support and patience. This started as a mini-game like Overstuffed, but the game wrote itself... And then kept going and going and going. I think the wait will be worth it, this game actually has more gameplay time than Housewife Sim and way more character depth. I'm really proud of it, and I hope you're all looking forward to it! <3




Oh hell yes! BE focus is what I am the most excited for!


Seconded on the BE hype! Can't wait, this game looks like it will be awesome.