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Hey everyone! I hope your holidays are bright and fun.

Work on Dairy Tale is going well. I had ideas for 3 more endings come to me (that's 9 possible now) and wrote 4 of them. I also got all the writing done up to the end of Chapter 4 and have been making great progress on Chapter 5 - it is the last chapter in the core story. I'll need to go back and add some middle story for a couple of the endings to fully make sense too, but that won't take long. 

I also finished making the base characters and main character but am finalizing their rendering. Neon Dreams was easy to pick rendering settings to make it really "pop" based on the theme, but I'm torn on making Dairy Tale more 3d style or cartoon style. I think I'll be ready to show some previews of the characters to get feedback in the first week of January to help decide. I always like getting story and lines written before making characters, that way I can make sure the character matches their role, if that makes sense. 

I'll update again soon as I continue to make progress. ~ Moose


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