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Cowgirl Casino 2 is now available for play by Patrons. 

This is a well-polished test release, so please provide feedback here or on Discord (in this channel https://discord.gg/msPAAEUaxk ) if there are any typos, glitches, or anything else that needs fixed. 

The game was originally the "secret mode" for Cowgirl Casino 1 and features a minmaxing game to fatten up Colt, the host for the first game. There's a dozen CGs, a secret ending, and lots of thick plot if you know what I mean. Enjoy it! 

PC Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10JcyBx1lkGLRYfoPbGjsGmcezGhuTAC2/view?usp=share_link

Mac Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c-wD_-X4XfiCZTVnrd9cu6DUXOsk2LqA/view?usp=share_link




Hey absolutely loved it! Im struggling to get the highest ending though! I max out fitness and action cost then focus on food and the buffet but can never make it past 646. Any hints man? Keep up the amazing work!


Yes! Actually if you play through 3 times, Artemus will offer to give you advice on getting to higher weights. To save you that grind, he says "The key to maximum size is counter intuitive - you need to ignore buying food or dates at first - instead going to the office and the gym until they are maxed out." You can also, when he offers tips, just opt to have the max size ending if you just want fanservice! :)


phenomenal, a worthy successor