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Sorry for my long absence over Thanksgiving, and welcome to all the new Patrons!

I had some spare time and a good story idea, so I went ahead and made a quick narrative game called Overstuffed where you fatten up your college girlfriend. It needs testing before final release, but should be in a solidly playable state. Please take a look and let me know what you think... And thank you for your support!

Download links for Overstuffed:

Download link PC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cwLIE-9bq1mo2OpCqE0sJxrCGFjN-vPf/view?usp=sharing

Download link Mac: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vYInxFI5r4Fyk0A6uYVv-r5QtdhzSrlD/view?usp=sharing




To best help with feedback, join us on Discord!! The channel for Overstuffed development is: https://discord.gg/h5vtWSYmmy - but feedback isn't required or expected - just appreciated - to make sure I keep improving my skills!