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I had no major issues reported and squashed all minor bugs and typos that were reported. Thanks to those of you who reported issues, I appreciate your help polishing the game!!

Because of that, I consider the game officially in Beta release. A new version is on Itch.

The biggest major change was to the milking minigame. I scaled it to about 10% easier - so if you were having trouble before, please try the new release on itch.





Game is great, though it might be nice to have hints on the endings. When it gets down to 1 or 2 left it becomes difficult to figure out how to unlock them, especially without knowing the variables involved.


I've been giving tips to those who ask on Discord. Do you have any ideas for how I could incorporate that without being disruptive? I guess I could add some hints on the Gallery page like I did with Housewife Simulator, but am open to better ideas if you have any!


I don't know if having text appear when you hover over the icon is possible. But if not maybe just set it so that when you click on the icon and it's locked the hint displays.


Just got done playing through the game. Awesome game overall; milking was definitely a bit tough to get close to maxing but the "new game plus" skip max feature handles that well when chasing for endings. Cowgirls especially Cami were my favorites; always gotta love the BE/cowgirl combo!


It wasn't too bad to do the hover-over, but that broke with the Android test version, so I just added hints to the Gallery page on the full release!


I just pushed out the full release late last night. Nothing new but a couple of typo changes and adding in-game hints on the Gallery screen. Take a look on Itch if you want the latest that includes the hints!


The chubby bunny, Brooke, is so cute. I hope we can continue to add new stories about Brooke, and I look forward to seeing other new characters.


Thank you! After I'm done with this March game jam, I'll have all the Patrons vote on what they want me to work on next - Housewife Sim, more Dairy Tale, or something completely different!