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Happy Saturday folks, I hope your weekends have begun well! I wanted to share a story idea I've been workshopping for a while. Ghost Train is inspired by CSM to some degree, where concepts have sentience. The way an idea is viewed is broken up into three versions. The positive ones, negative, and neutral perspective literally exist. Mostly, these creatures avoid other lifeforms, however their impact is felt worldwide. Some sought to benefit from these beings, causing great harm to many. The main character meets a version of the train concept, and becomes its host, like Denji to the Chainsaw Demon.

Her existence peaks many peoples interest, causing her to live on the run, until another host makes an offer. Team up, take down the organizations, then no more worries.

That said, porn takes priority day to day, and always will. I don't intend on putting time into the story until I have made progress on the daily uploads.

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I’d be interested in anything you’re working on! Do you intend for it to be a longer series or just a one-off story arc?


That means a lot to me :) I don't know yet, how long it will be. I would like for it to span a while, but it's a project on the back burner. I'll see how it goes, as it comes together :)