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The truth was, things had been weird since the party.

It's not like the birthday thing was new to Scout, although until then she'd managed to hide the date. But she'd seen countless others flushed out, chased down, and given their 'birthday licks' as only these randy idiots knew how. But in some ways, she wished it had been the other dopes that had done the deed. That it was Billings, her fellow gearhead and overall best pal here, had made things...complicated.

That wasn't to say it was bad. In fact, that was the whole problem. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about it since. She knew the capybara had been involved in some of the other nonsense that went on around here, occasionally carrying out the 'sentence' for those found guilty in the guys' Merc Court, but Scout had never really seen him as anything other than is usual, laid back, occasional goofball self.

Until, of course, he fucked her on a couch, surrounded by all the other guys.

That kind of thing happened a lot around here and for the most part, things just went back to normal when it was over. That's what Scout expected to happen. And for a while it seemed like it would. But at first it was just those little twinges, those split seconds where she'd look over at Billings fixing up a motor or something and be taken back to that day in the rec room. The overnight dreams would follow soon after. Kink unlocked, apparently, she wasn't sure if it was Billings, his hefty build, the nature of the situation or some combination of everything, but it had gotten to where she could even look at him without blushing beneath her cream-colored coat.

That wasn't what she wanted. She liked having a good buddy, and around here it wasn't the best idea to get too attached anyway. Complicating it into something more, something it really wasn't meant to be, over what she could only describe as a purely physical crush - not even on him, but on his...capabilities - that just threatened to undo what was already a pretty great thing.

And it wasn't to say the big guy hadn't noticed. They always joked around in the garage, gave each other a hard time over music choices, the trivial differences in torque technique. "What's new, butthead?" was a standard greeting in here. In Scout's mind, it was far and away the best job on the base for those reasons. But while she continued to be generally friendly toward him, she had been more distant, less jokey, focusing more on work - or at least, appearing to. The truth was that those images, those...stray thoughts had just gotten so out of hand that she wasn't sure what she'd say if she spoke freely. And yet, she worried he'd assume the worst, that she hated him or something. Well, no, surely he'd never think that, right? Regardless, there would finally come a day when they'd have to hash it out, once and for all.

"Heya Scout - you and Lady keeping decent in here?" Billings had said as he walked into the garage. He patted the side of Lady twice, their prized armored vehicle that both he and Scout almost hated to let those maniacs deploy in the field.

"Uh,,,heh, yep, we're...we're good," Scout said, sitting at a workbench, trying not to turn around.

"She treating you right, Lady?" Billings asked, running his fingers over the surface of the vehicle. "She's a lot more delicate than she looks, you know."

Find something metal and work on it, Scout found herself saying more and more. But there was that warm feeling again.

"Feel like heading next door into the hangar, see what those chuckleheads managed to get jammed up into Earnie's treads?"

"I uh...think I'm good here for now," Scout muttered, fiddling around for something to keep busy with. "Gotta...gotta take care of this thing, here...."

"That's...a drip pan...."

"Yeah...it's uh, it's got a funky...thing...." At that moment, Scout saw the large hand of Billings plant itself down on the work bench. Her eyes slowly climbed up his impressive frame until they met his own. At this distance, she should easily pick up on the fragrance he wore. She was more familiar with it than ever.

"What's the deal Scout," the capy asked with a tilt of his head. "Seems like you've been out in space for the last week or two."

The tight-fitting olive top he was wearing made it pretty easy to pick up on all the peaks and valleys of his body, not that Scout was noticing each and every one of them.

"I dunno, I...guess I've just had a lot on my mind."

"This...wouldn't have something to do with the birthday party, would it...?"

"What?" yipped the vixen, with particularly animated body language. "Tsh, no. No, no...well...."

"You're not mad, are you?"

"Of course not, that's what we do here, birthdays, parties, you know...THOSE parties, happens to everyone eventually, barely thought about it since."

Billings crossed his arms. "You sure? You know, I thought I was kinda, you know...looking out for you by being the one to...y'know..."

"Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah I mean, hah, can you imagine if it had been, I dunno, JT or somebody? Hah. Just imagine."

"I mean I figured it was just a little...good-natured ribbing between friends. Kinda how things work around here. Hope I didn't step outta line or anything."

"Oh no, no no," Scout said, shaking her head vigorously. She couldn't believe they were actually talking about it now. It definitely wasn't helping with the...everything. "Nah, you know, it's fine...."

Billings continued to stare, seeming to know there was more to it.

"It's...agghhh....it's just, uh, you know, uh...it was...I mean...." Scout wrapped her fingers around her muzzle in frustration,  dropping her head down onto the workbench.

"C'mon, what is it, little buddy?"


"See, I don't think it is."

The fennec grit her teeth. She just wanted it to be normal again. But it was never going to be, at least not like this. She squinted her eyes shut, taking in one big, long breath.

"...okay so at first I was kinda embarrassed like you're supposed to be but thinking back on it it was actually kinda hot and I didn't know I was into that kinda thing and I didn't know I was into big guys and well I guess I am because now whenever you're around I keep thinking back to the whole thing and it kinda makes it hard to be a functioning coworker when you're just thinking a lot about how you kinda want the guy to fuck you again but I don't want it to mess things up 'cause I like being fix-it buddies like a lot and I don't want to make it complicated and it's not like a love thing it's just a stupid horny thing and fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I can't believe I just said all that."


The fox buried her head in her arms on the bench, hoping that one could indeed die of embarrassment, and ideally soon.

"So...what're we gonna do about that?" Billings asked, leaning in. "I didn't think it was a big deal but...heck, I don't wanna lose my buddy over it."

"We're still buds," insisted Scout, her voice muffled from beneath her arms. "It's just...fuuuuuck I wish this would go away...and I dunno what to do."

"I, uh..." Billings rubbed over the back of his neck. Admittedly a little awkward. "I mean, not to be too forward or anything but...I mean, if you want, and I'd be willing if you think it's something you'd want, maybe we should just...get it out of your system?"

Scout unburied her head, though remained flat against the bench. "No...maybe? I mean, no. Definitely no. That's not...I mean...that's not who we are...what this is."

"Doesn't have to mean anything," Billings suggested, sitting on the edge of the bench. "Just a couple'a buds taking care of something. Fixing stuff, like we always do."

"Yeah but it seems like it'd have to mean something, I mean...it's not like you're just...some guy, that's all, nothing else. Sounds kinda mean when you say it that way."

"I mean, isn't that...stuff like this happens around here all the time, doesn't it?" suggested Billings, looking out into the rest of the garage. The birthdays, court, just...random odds and ends."

"Yeah, but those are like...well you know, pranks, ribs, somebody gets embarrassed, somebody else laughs...that's one thing. It's not like, a hook up."

"Well...I guess...."

"You know what, forget I said anything, it's stupid."

"It's not stupid."

"Well it is to me, so...let's just work...said the tread was still screwy? Why don't I go look at that, yeah. That sounds good," figured Scout, getting up from her stool.

"Er, alright," Billings shrugged, hopping off of the bench. "You...want me to come help?"

"No, no, uh...I just need some time to...whatever," the fennec trailed off, scurrying away toward the Hangar.

Billings buried his hands in his pockets as we watched her go. He shook his head. She was right, this would never do.

Something would have to be done.


The problem with being such a fluffy little thing was how long it took to dry off from a shower. Scout usually took the opportunity to read, as she did now, cross legged at her small desk, wrapped in a soft, warm, white towel. Sharpshooters and martial arts experts were one thing, but Scout liked to believe even the best outfitted paramilitary would crumble without a good hand in the laundry room. She had a lot on her mind, and something as simple as reading an old, forgotten book by lamplight was something of an oasis in a place like this. Seemingly the only one here into adult contemporary meant she didn't have to share her favorite, salvaged albums with the others, a nice little stack of the stuff next to the small boom box which currently played one of the old discs at a mild volume. All in all, a pretty nice night.

A knock at her door.

The fennec placed her book pageside-down, padding toward the door. Seemed a little late for a surprise inspection from the boss, especially since he seemed to have largely given up on contraband by this point. It was hard enough with just Shades around but when India hit the scene, the old man was out of his depth. Great soldier, but pretty sub-par parent. Scout turned the knob, swinging open the door.


It was a strong moment of Deja Vu, staring face to face with unexpected, naked Billings. The immense capy held his hands to his hips, with a relaxed smile, looking his friend right in the eye.

Yeah, she was blushing again.

"Surprise, Scout," Billings chuckled, stepping into the doorframe and reaching out for the the fennec.

"Billings, wh-what are...agh!"

The petite fox was lifted and tossed over the robust male's shoulder with ease, as he carried her away down the hall, leaving merely an open door where she'd been standing a moment prior.

"Agh...Bill! What, what is this, what're you doing?!" stammered Scout, as her heart rate quickened to a drumroll.

"Just getting you back," laughed the capy, turning the corner. "I still owe you one from when you swapped my soda out for your green tea."

"I...that was like...three weeks ago!"

"Well, I got a long memory," Billings shrugged, tightening his grip a bit. "So, I'm gonna take you into the garage, and...get ya back."

Scout's eyes widened, her entire body seeming to warm by around 40 degrees at the sound of those words.

"B-Billings, what...what's happening...?"

"Just some good-natured ribbing, nothing more serious than that," reasoned Billings, reaching the door into the maintenance garage. "You got me, so...now I'm gonna get you."

He opened the door.

"Just like we always do."

Billings reached up with his free hand, slipping his fingers under the lip of Scout's towel, pulling it off of her body with one, skillful tug, tossing it behind him as he carried his friend into the garage. With no idea else to do, Scout just stared at the discarded, white cloth on the floor for as long as she could, until the swung closed.


The large, wooden spool creaked and rocked beneath the ravaged body of the fennec that had been thrown on top of it. Scout's muzzle hung open in a perpetual bout of heavy panting and occasional, breathless profanity, her eyes glazed over, blurry in the late stages of her vigorous, exhausting, but above all else, friendly breeding at the hands of her bestest bud. Her lower body was enveloped within the pronounced girth of Billings' thighs and belly, creating an exception warm, soft, and...'alive' sensation down there, which she had to admit was doing quite a number on her senses and overall dignity. The first time he did this to her, they'd needed a little outside help from one of her favorite, personal toys in order to coax her body into accommodating the massive male and his...needs, but this time around, by the time he'd grabbed her right out from her room, thrown her over his shoulder, dragged her down to the garage, and tossed her onto this spool, coupled with all the other...stuff...yeah, she was ready for him, this time. One hand gripped the side of the spool, holding on for dear life as she endured his erotic onslaught, while the other reached back, pressing into his belly as it repeatedly thrusted forward, rhythmically bending and extending her elbow with the movement.

With one foot up on the spool and an arm braced along the top of the nearby tool chest, Billings had given himself ample leverage with which to work and good lord almighty, was he using it. That first time was one thing but Scout wasn't even altogether sure she could remember her own name, now. And much like the first time, he didn't rely so much on pulling out a lot but rather, pushing it deep inside and just...just...working her. She didn't know how else to describe it. Not that she could form the words to do so at the moment. Even though she hadn't put up any serious kind of resistance against this 'prank,' Billings had maintained at least some pretense of the rib in the beginning, pulling Scout back into position whenever her instinctive squirming saw her stray from where she belonged. But admittedly by this point, he was able to relax; that vix wasn't going anywhere, now. She was his. And more importantly, she didn't care. With the fireworks going off between her legs, and the aftershock travelling through her body and all her extremities, she'd lay there underneath him and endure this for hours, even if she were physically capable of choosing not to. Unfortunately, even if Billings was the strongest, more vigorous, just...the best god damn man she'd ever known in her life right then, he was, still, a man. And even the strongest man had his limits.

"That's, uh...heh, that's the countdown, bud," Billings warned, as his movements became noticeably erratic.

Of course, he was long since cleared for landing, Scout thought (or rather, would have thought if she could still craft coherent thoughts). Her bell was already soundly rung roughly 90 seconds after he got inside. And that was just the first one. The grunts and groans escaping Billings' throat belied his ordinarily chill attitude while forecasting his impending finale.


Billings crashed forward, thankfully catching himself on both hands on either side of Scout's limp body. His muscles tensed and locked, as he gritted his buck teeth. While he'd kept his composure a lot better than Scout had throughout the session, it'd be a lie to say he hadn't gotten pretty worked up, and those violent jolts in his hips with every release gave it away more than anything. And even if they hadn't, Scout knew better than anyone what was happening, the convulsions of his immense, masculine flesh impossible not to feel when her fur and folds were enveloping it that snugly. Not just the feeling but the mere knowledge of it made put her entire body on pins and needles as she tried and largely failed to catch her breath.


By the time she could feel his affections running down the back of her thighs and the middle of her rump, the sensory overload Scout was experiencing was soon joined by the hot, moist breaths of the capybara fluttering the fine furs on her long, pointed ears as he slumped forward following a powerful climax that even he had to admit caught him off guard. Scout could still feel the weight of his belly easing and resting on her pelvis with every one of his heavy breaths.

Yeah. Sometimes sequels really were better.

"H'agh...agh...d-damn, dude..." panted the vixen, as the sharper details of her surroundings slowly became perceptible, again.

Billings lifted himself up off of the spool a bit more, having a light chuckle. "So uh...heh, gotta admit, I got you good, eh Scout?"

"Agh...ung...yeah...you,,,you got me...heck of a rib...."

"And uh...I guess you'll probably be thinking about getting one over on me, then," suggested Billings, with a grin down at Scout.

"I, uh...I guess...hadn't...really thought that far ahead...yet...."

"Well, whenever you do, guess that means I'll have to, you know...get ya back, again. But you know...only if you wanna get me, again."

Almost halfway to a normal breathing rate, Scout looked over her shoulder, meeting the capy's eyes. A smile. A nod.

"...I gotcha." Her eyes fell to her lower body. She nodded in the same direction. "You, uh...you mind?"

"Hm? Oh, heh...you got it." With a chuckle, Billings lifted himself up, withdrawing his hips, pulling out of his friend's small but tough, tough body.

Scout bit her lip at the parting sensation of his well saturated girth slumping out from her body. Another blush. Damn. Already, the images of what she'd just been through came streaming through her head again, making her toes curl, her ears recede...a dark-furred paw reached out in front of her. She looked up and met Billings eyes again. She accepted his hand, the capybara helping her up off of the spool, up to a standing position that, frankly, she was shocked she was able to achieve. Billings put a heavy arm around her shoulder.

"So, what now, little buddy?"

"I dunno," the vixen sighed, looking around the garage. "You know, I think you mighta got us both with that one, 'cause...I don't think either one of us has any clothes in here."

Billings glanced around, scratching his neck. "Oh. Yeah."

"And I don't think everyone's asleep, yet."

"Hm. Whoops."

Scout looked up at her goofball friend. "So...now what?"

"Well...we could...shine up Lady? That would kill some time, while we wait for the others to bed down."

Scout look toward the majestic vehicle. "So...you and me...late at night...scrubbing down Lady...completely naked?"

Billings shrugged.

"...You know what? That feels right."

Scout padded over toward the bucket of rags, grabbing two, tossing one to Billings.

"Catch, butthead."



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