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With the exception of some loose ends, I'm finished moving over to the new house, after a very stressful and arduous process. I didn't just have to move myself over here but also help my far less organized family do the same. I'm still trying to see how much if any of my security deposit i can get back from the old place so I've still got some cleaning to do over there but it's pencils down by noon this coming Wednesday, and pretty much all of my stuff is already over here.

But nobody cares about that, they care about the production and distribution of sexual situations. In which case I'm happy to report that it is my intent to return immediately to what is now my day job, as you may have already seen with the WIP I just posted a little while ago. So while I'm still trying to get settled in over here, I'm hoping to make some time each day to work on getting you new content, including hopefully finishing a litany of sketches I had started over the past month or two.

It might take me a little longer to get back into the flow of animation work but I'm actively working on snagging myself a proper workstation, which I never really had before, for the explicit purpose of improving the efficiency and comfort of working on projects just like that.

I appreciate everyone who's been patient with me and stuck with me while I slogged it out through this real life stuff, and hope I can give you some pretty cool things in the very near future.



Happy to have that behind you. I know how much of a pain it can be of moving with very unorganized folks.


Congrats on the move, get that security deposit by any means necessary.