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Hey hey, New Year's upon us and I'm sure THIS will be the one that finally doesn't completely fucking suck like the previous 7 or so, right? Sure why not. Anyway, I just wanted to get a few things out there this morning about a new scenario I've been working on. Many of you may already know about it so this post is mostly to catch up those who aren't part of the Discord server (Expect a post regarding that soon after this).


As I said, I've been working on a "new" scenario and by that I mean expanding an old and somewhat rare one. The working title is The League but I'm hoping to come up with a better name eventually.

At first glance, the League is yet another scenario with erotic wrestling themes, you've seen one, you've seen 'em all, right? But I'd like to think that mine has a bit of a different twist: The basic idea is that the League is a series of adult film projects wherein adult film stars known as "Studs" are pitted against actual, trained pro wrestlers, known as "Pros." The pros are coming off of the indie scene and in general, don't enjoy the kind of exposure or financial gains that they'd like. With the promise of a solid pay day and an even bigger one should they win, these grapplers agree to tangle with the Studs, putting their reputation and pride on the line in the most ultimate way. The Pros goal is simple - utilizing a limited set of their usual moves to defeat the Stud via pin or submission (nothing that would maim the studs too badly). The studs goal, well, I think I need to explain it much. In simplest terms, each competitor is trying to do their job; the pro wrestlers are trying to wrestle, and the porn stars are trying to, well, porn. The scenario is mostly M/F at the moment but I've been mulling over making an M/M roster down the line.

This scenario has actually been featured before, with its, at the time, one and only stud, Manu, a surly but well spoken river otter. More recently I've been expanding the studs to include Percy "Slab" Sullivan, a stout but powerful rat, and Damo Steel, a mouthy, metal-head Shetland Pony trying to make it as a musician but paying the bills with what got him famous in the first place. Hoping to make more of these guys as I go. Another important supporting character in all this is "Big Mama" Greta Gertrude, the power-lifting monitor lizard who serves as the League's enforcer (referee). Greta plays [mostly] fair but she knows where her bread is buttered and her paycheck certainly isn't gonna be helped by paying out pros, so you can expect her to be in their ear during the most desperate of times, not-so-subtly convincing them to just go ahead and tap out before Damo attempts to go any deeper.

I'll try and release more details, such as the official rules of the matches, as I get them hammered out. But I wanted to get this info out there so there's a proper context to some of the posts and characters you may soon see.



Sounds exciting! I already like the one-off scenarios close to this idea, so I’d really love to see an expanded world behind that!

Richard McKay

Currently in the process of fleshing out some of the Studs, sketching them out, writing up early versions of their bios, etc. I'll post some of those here soon but if you're in the Discord server you can already see a lot of that posted there as I go.


>I've been mulling over making an M/M roster down the line Yesssssss.