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The security door slammed behind the two rodents, their quick feet wasting no time in scurrying up the stairs to the third and highest floor of the run-down building. Chuck's keys jingled, gripped in his fleshy fingers as they neared door 306, all the way on the end. They stopped for the bigger rat to fiddle the keys while Nicky stood behind him, looking all around, a twitch of the whiskers and a blink of the eyes. Several blinks in fact, the black pearls scanning frantically in all directions of the dim hallway, his tail whipping around and slapping the floor beneath him. Not sure if he wanted to stay here, even Chuck didn't seem so sure but threw out the offer all the same. All Nicky had asked for was the backseat of Chucky's car for a few nights, didn't want to be a bother but didn't want to be caught sleeping in the park at night without a piece on him, not in this city. With a few angry jolts to the finicky lock, Chuck finally got the door open.

The obstacle which had previously barred them swung open to reveal that same rather-empty room. The wooden floors and walls were treated to a tranquil natural light courtesy of shoddy blinds and a rather sunny day, although this primarily allowed for one to see all the scratches and holes in both. A typical rat-hole, as society would call it. As of yet nobody had quite taken an interest in one of those cute little movements on behalf of their kind like they had for other marginalized groups. Nicky had it a little better. Fancy rats were regarded as a little nicer in the face and hey, they even had "fancy" right in the name. In Chucky's case, it was still considered more or less fine to call him a sewer rat. Unfair, he usually smelled alright and even had a job, though clearly he never let too many of the proceeds go to his home. The mini-fridge on the floor served as possibly the fanciest furnishing in the apartment. The radio worked but it was old. A slam of the door, the locks were back in place. Chuck threw his keys into his jacket before removing it and tossing it near that long-since-stained mattress on the floor that served as his bed and love nest. A grey t-shirt now the only thing covering his upper half, Chuck settled into a recumbent position onto the mattress and wasted no time in reaching for the mini-fridge door.

Nicky would follow suit, settling onto the mattress. He had nothing to take off - yet - choosing only a white tank top as his shirt today. It fit in with that urban look any self-respecting rat male wanted to present and plus, it was too damn hot today for a jacket or even one of his favorite plaid flannels. He didn't know how Chucky could do it but that was the big, grey rat's style, wore it everywhere. Nicky watched while Chuck pulled a green bottle of his favorite medicine out of the fridge. The grey rat offered some to Nicky but the fancy boy declined. His fingers and tail continued to twitch, and itch just under the piercings in his right ear taking the fury of his juiced claws. Some considered these earrings a hint that this boy was open for business but really it was just a stupid stereotype. The kind of thing you couldn't reveal to another rat, unless you were so lucky as to find a big boy like Chuck who could find a space for you. The kind of thing that made you nervous, made you paranoid, made you take that needle and, fuck yes, what was I so worried about, again? The last thing a rodent needed was a stimulant but anybody who never did what they were about to do while on the stuff had no fucking clue, they just didn't know. Chuck, well, Chuck was more of a drinker. Needles weren't his thing. A swig and a smoke would do him fine, after all he was a grown up, and 19-year-old Nicky was...not there yet. But he was still pretty tight where it counted.

"Shit," muttered Chuck, digging through the meager collection of belongings strewn across the floor immediately beside the mattress. Nickels and pennies clattered about, empty cigarette packs were tossed aside, and god damn it, he forgot to buy more. He turned his focus his black eyes onto Nicky's.

"You got any?"

Never knowing just when it could happen, Nicky was at least prepared in this way. From the pocket of his jeans came the wallet still attached to the chain and although there was maybe two dollars in there, he happened to have had exactly two rubbers. After all, when Chuck asked "you sharing needles?" the decent thing to so was go "um...uh...yeah, sometimes." Chuck took one from the fancy rat's paw, looking it over.

"It's new," assured Nicky, before taking that time to lift that tank top up over his head, the fabric briefly catching onto his robust ears before going all the way over. The brown and white rodent tossed it to the side.

Satisfied the condom was fresh enough, Chuck stole a glance at the shirtless Nicky. His coat of fur, a pure white accented with soft, brown patches, retained a plush look as it seemed to glide gracefully over the shapes, valleys, and undulations of the young rat's thin frame. Still looked pretty good for a junkie. His habits hadn't caught up with his youth yet but it wouldn't last long if he stayed stupid. Chuck wasn't here to be the kid's babysitter, he did dumb shit too and eventually grew out of it. Nicky had the smarts and hell, even the face to get out of this dump and get...somewhere, at least. Had the smarts and the face but he didn't have the belief in himself. Chucky couldn't judge him for that, it was the same for the older, larger rat but the difference was that Chucky wasn't pretty, and was never any good at the school books. Time for another, long, gulp.

Chucky could sure suck it down, Nicky thought as he often did, watching the contractions of the older rat's white-furred throat while he downed over half of that bottle in a single go. This was followed by a narrowing of the eyes and a shake of the head - this is good shit, second best feeling in the world. Chuck set down the bottle and wasted no time removing his grey T-shirt, carelessly tossing it aside, where it landed in Nicky's lap. While Chuck looked for the tube, Nicky took the time to fiddle with the shirt, why not, it's right here. Unsurprisingly, it smelled heavily of Chuck, the scents you'd expect of a big city rat on a hot day. Chucky had just found the jelly when Nicky took a look over at him. Just like Chuck had before, Nicky certainly appreciated the older rat's body. A stockier build, Chuck never told anybody about this, about what he and Nicky liked to spend their time doing, but unlike Nicky, Chucky could put down most any other rat who had a problem with it. Those pecs of his were on the softer side but very much present, and his arms told the story of a rat who definitely spent his days working. He had a bit of a belly on him, no doubt, he couldn't afford to eat well, but he could afford to eat. It was fine, Nicky had developed kind of a thing for bigger boys. It was a nice, warm body although it wasn't likely Chuck was going to want to cuddle afterwards. Even if it was the only thing in the world a little rat needed, sometimes. Of course, a rat never tells.

Chucky was ready. The liquid was soothing him, loosening him up. You never really knew when it was coming until the big rat did as he did now, reaching over and grabbing at the back of Nicky's jeans, pulling hard and undoing the tail-snap. He didn't give much away but in these meetings it was certainly revealed that Chucky liked to play the dominant role. He was too big to argue with but that was fine, Nicky liked big boys, and he liked what they could do with you. Nicky obediently eased from his sitting position, allowing Chucky to rather forcefully yank down the jeans. Nicky took that chance to unfasten the belt at least but by then they were already past the point of interest. Still, the boxers remained underneath and from here, Nicky could finish the job himself. Chucky situated himself to his knees along the side of the mattress, unfastening his own belt, unzipping, and down they go, pants and boxers at the same time. Before long he'd gotten them past his ankles, the bare-bodied rat just about finished. He leaned over, resting on his elbow, the masculinity between his legs listing to the side from this position, It was almost there but not quite, and Chucky took hold of himself, rubbing up and down a few times. He now took the wrapper in his teeth, tearing it open and applying the condom to himself.

With a glance over at Nicky, the story was...familiar, Nicky was taking his sweet time. Sure, the clothing was removed, and he was getting himself ready, but was working mostly at the sheath, the rest of his malehood still mostly in hiding. Of course, Chuck had no real intentions of letting that thing sneak behind him, but he also didn't want to mess the mattress any more. Not one to work by the hour, Chucky leaned back and took a firm grasp of Nicky's tail. The firm grasp that followed prompted the smaller rat to get onto his stomach. The whiskered muzzle of Chuck crept up to the very base of the fancy rat's tail and out came that pink tongue, flattening itself against the flesh. Slowly and agonizingly, Chuck ran his tongue up the taught flesh, causing the smaller rodent to immediately shudder at the sensation. Nicky did always seem to like this, after all, and he was a nice enough boy to occasionally deserve the extra attention, especially if it meant speeding him the hell up. Really, there wasn't a skin-tail alive that could resist this, and although the sensation was in fact reverberating throughout Nicky's entire being, coaxing the rest of his anatomy from the sheath, the sensation was at the same time too much to bear, comparable to a tickle in just the right spot. The feeling would have Nicky instinctively attempt to squirm forward but Chucky would grip the little rat's ankle in his strong paw, ensuring that Nicky wouldn't be going anywhere. The tail treatment would continue, and all Nicky could do was lay his head submissively against the mattress, gasping and squeaking, a weak sound out on the streets, but nothing but the truth here in Chuck's bed. His left paw squeezed the edge of the mattress while the claws of his right raked across the top of it. Ordinarily, Chucky wasn't much for foreplay, and if you wanted the surly rat to give you this kind of special treatment, you had to look as if you were keeping him waiting.

Satisfied that Nicky was ready to be suited up, Chuck situated himself onto his knees, still with a grip of the smaller rodent's tail. He took a hard grasp of Nicky's right arm, urging him to rise.

"Get up."

Nicky obeyed, rising into a belly-to-back cradling position with Chuck, the older, grey rat releasing the tail for a moment to wrap his arm around Nicky's waist. It was an unusually intimate position to enjoy with Chuck but in this instance, it was done for practical reasons, in Chuck's mind at least, though Nicky would enjoy it while it lasted. Scooping up the rubber Nicky hadn't gotten around to using yet, Chuck did as he had with his own, tearing the wrapper with his large incisors, spitting the scrap away while he removed the contents. He wasted no time in fitting it around the now-erect Nicky, whose tail wriggled in quiet anticipation. When Chucky finished his work down there, he gave Nicky a firm push on the shoulder, urging the fancy rat back down.

Nicky's black eyes stared forward, across the barren, wooden floor, waiting. His chin hovered just above the mattress, his fleshy ears picking up the sound of the outside breeze through the partially open windows of Chucky's place, hearing the hustle and bustle of traffic and people down below, rats, weasels, opossums, the kind of people expected to be here in this side of the city, the side where the streets are cracked and broken, but traffic's alright because there's never any road crews out there fixing them, the side of that line which separates the bad apples from the ones who just need a little guidance. Now he could hear the wet noises of Chuck rubbing on the lubricant. Everything is so fast out there, fast and noisy, it never stops, it goes on and on, it leaves without you, but in here it stops, just a few minutes every few days it stops for a break that nobody can see and there it is, that feeling, the wrapped up tip of Chuck about to step through the door. Chuck planted a paw into the small of Nicky's back, the other taking hold of the base of his penis, keeping its aim true. Now here come the hips, and the first inch and a half pushed its way inside of Nicky, the fancy rat's body tingling at the feeling as he once again squeezed the sides of the discolored mattress. Chuck eased out, just a bit, before pushing in another inch, backing off, oh, he was so good at this part, and there it goes, the jelly sliding him the rest of the way into Nicky's body.

Sirens, thieves, cabs, pills, shouting, guns, debts. Noise. It all stops.

What is it about the world, a small room inside of nowhere that seems so much more serene as it's rocked back and forth before you, Nicky's entire being now shook in rhythm to Chuck's pumping thighs and powerful hips. The big rat's paw slid from Nicky's back, returning to his tail where he held it tight, keeping his rodent right where he wanted him. Chuck's free paw rested with ease on his thigh, a display of the complete control Chucky enjoyed over his friend. That warmth, that tingle, it comes over your body and takes you over, that feeling of being taken by a buck like Chuck, if you could put it inside a needle, he wouldn't need that other shit. Whether or not Chuck was going to reach around the bottom and take a hold of Nicky's as he sometimes would remained to be seen. For now the younger rat would have to settle for the sensation of the tip gliding back and forth across the bed with every push but in fairness, that was pretty damn good.

Chuck's not a bad guy, Nicky would think in between squeaks and gasps. He's a quiet guy, most rats are, he's a tough guy, most rats try to be, and he's a loner at heart, most rats have to be. Still, he offered up this place, Nicky asked to sleep in the car, Chucky relented and offered him his four walls. Chucky feels amazing right now. Does he just want the little rat in an easy-to-access location, a fancy boy to keep him comfortably lubricated on a whim? Chucky knew he could get Nicky to travel, and head up those stairs any time he wanted. Maybe he just wanted Nicky to be okay. Did anybody ever want Nicky to just...be okay? It was hard to fathom but god, Chucky is a powerful animal.

You don't go into a bar with a beat when you're a guy like Chuck. The grey rat planted both paws into the sides of Nicky's back and humped away at him with greater force, bouncing the fancy's rat's body up and down on the mattress with every pounding thrust. The wet, slapping noise of the lube which let him in so easily was enough to make a rat shudder all over. Nobody in a bar is looking for a sewer rat. A fire-furred fox with the magazine look, a jewel-eyed feline who knew just how to walk that way, perhaps a squirrel to take home and bounce off the walls, these were the catches at such a noisy place. Chuck didn't go out, didn't try his luck, he was content to remember the cuter faces he'd seen on the way to work and do his best to imagine them beneath him later that evening.

And the truth is, Nicky's a nice boy. He wears the tank tops like the other "tough" guys, the loose-fitting jeans or cargo shorts, it's all there, the hoops in his ear, the black eyes they share, he's every bit the "thug" the news channels would think him to be, at least, to look at him. Nicky doesn't want to fight. Nicky just wants to shoot up and forget everything, and Nicky feels pretty damn good, too. Chuck wasn't much of a squeaker, he'd huff, he'd grunt, all of the masculine noises a squeaker and chirper like Nicky loved to hear from the one on top, and Nicky doesn't want to fight, so only Chucky knows that. A boy who'd seen his share of scraps, he'd won a few, lost a few, but to be physically dominated by another male, that's not so bad as long as the fancy rat was getting hit in just the right spot and yes, Chuck was definitely winning this altercation, Chuck always won. The way he does it, the way he did it right now, sliding his paws from Nicky's back to plant them at either side of his head on the mattress, hooking the smaller rat's arms back, stay put, Nicky, the way he did that, why can't the other bucks understand just how incredible this is? Nicky surely couldn't be the only one.

The "thump, thump, thump," that exotic sound, it bounced from the walls, it brought Nicky's pink ears to a tingle, that unbelievable piston working inside him. Why does Nicky always have to see himself as lower? Why did Nicky let himself believe he couldn't make it in school, why does he tell himself he's just another street rat, 'nothing to nobody?' Why does he tell himself that this isn't just sex, he's a part of Chuck, an attachment, just an extension of his strong and ravenous body? Why? Because it feels so god damn right.

"Chuck," escaped Nicky's throat, with a look behind and above, seeing the big rat in his periphery.

The large rat continued the action, unsure of how to react. Rats don't talk. They certainly don't talk during sex.


A pause. Breaths. Panting. High pitched gasps bursting from their masculine prison. Nicky turned forward again.


The full weight of Chucky collapsed onto Nicky's smaller frame, his head and shoulders pressed hard into the mattress under the chest of Chuck. Similarly, his arms were pinned beneath Chucky's, the groin of the bigger, grey rat smacking hard into the backside of Nicky. The firm "thumps" of before had become impactful "THUDS" all while Chuck's heavy grunts and breaths warmed and ruffled the fur on the back of Nicky's neck. Chuck did like Nicky, even if he was ravaging the poor rodent's body with his own, now. Nicky's claws dug deep into the bed and now, Chuck indeed slid one paw down, under the smaller rat's body, between his legs, and took a hold of him down there. It was a nice gesture but almost needless at this point, as the force of Chuck's own penis wearing out Nicky's body along with that pushing and rubbing against the mattress and brought the fancy rat almost all of the way there. The touch of Chuck's paw would put him over the edge, the condom now doing its best to contain the eruption of Nicky's seed.

Soon enough Chucky's thrusts became erratic, he was so close, and that feeling always brought out the animal inside of him. His sharp incisors clamped down on Nicky's fleshy ear, just as the last of the smaller rat trickled out from him. Nicky panted, Nicky gasped, Nicky squeezed his black eyes shut as he reveled in the sensation of Chuck climaxing within him. He could tell, pinpoint it, it was that huge, assaulting slam into his rump, that moment when Chuck released. Chuck's hips crushed Nicky's well into the softness of the bed, his malehood contracting with each spurt, and another, hard impact into Nicky. The white and brown rat's mouth lay open at the incredible sensation, his own incisors grinding into the bed. How Chuck got so good at this, he could never know.

Heavy pants and breaths filled the empty air of Chuck's apartment. It was over. Nicky would still be embraced in the comforting, warming pressure of Chuck sprawled on top of him. The bigger rat would eventually release his hold of Nicky's ear. The saliva made clear that he'd left his mark but Nicky would be fine. Could have been a fight, could have been anything. Nicky felt that pressure slowly subside, slowly rise from him as Chuck made it back to his knees, mercifully pulling out now from the used up little rat. His thick arms rose over his head as he enjoyed a triumphant stretch. From below, Nicky just continued to catch his breath.

Slowly, the noises of the world crept back in. Cars. The trash bag. People. Shirts. Collisions. Belt buckles. Noise.

Chucky fished out a cigarette from his pocket, slipping it into his mouth as he joined Nicky at the door. He'd wait until he was outside to light it up. The grey rat released the bolt just before going to work on the chain.

"You gonna stay here awhile?" he asked, the words muffled from the snack in his mouth.

Nicky's paws fidgeted in his pockets. First a look to the floor, then a glance back toward the rest of the apartment.

"I dunno...you only got the one bed."

The chain was released and the door swung open. Chucky allowed Nicky to pass before following him through the doorway.

"It's big enough."

Chuck slammed the door shut, behind them.



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