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It's officially been one month since I started work on Futaba's Live Service, and though my time is limited i managed to finish every scene except the intro and outro, which I'll be rethinking and doing a simpler, shorter version of!

Let's get straight into the meat of this post, progress:

Scene 1:  10%
Scene 2: 100%
Scene 3: 100%
Scene 4: 100%
Scene 5: 100%
Scene 6: 100%
Scene 7: 100%
Scene 8: 0%
Total animation progress: 76.25%

Overall progress: 19.06%

This week didn't see much progress due to how busy I've been, and me spening my days off relaxing more and more in turn, but progress is steady and we're almost in the final parts of the first phase, of which I want to finish soooo badly!

WIP image above may seem very similar to a previous WIP but trust me, it's a different scene, a less "loppy" one if you will

Next month we'll see a new short comic and render as well, the comic will remain a Patreon exclusive indefinitely so I hope you look forward to that!

With nothing else to add on my part, thanks for all the support!

