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Breaking Bad 5x12 Uncut Reaction | 'Rabid Dog'

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Full Length Reaction Guide

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We hope you enjoy the video!

Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length Breaking Bad S5 E12

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



"Because Jesse isn't just some... some rabid dog!" 🔥 Walt truly does value Jesse but Jesse is a threat like Skyler said. Hank even lists the good things Walt has done for Jesse in this episode- like Walt running over Gus's two gangbangers or saving Jesse from an inevitable Emilio or Krazy-8 death. Jesse just pushes him too far in the end. Walt's been facing death the whole series. He tried to off himself in the series pilot... he's an already dead man in a sense- he may be thinking to himself it could help wrap this whole mess up for his family if he dies. "I have lived under the threat of death for a year now. I've made choices. I alone should suffer the consequences of those choices, no one else". I'm open to the thought of Walt leaving behind the coordinates on the fridge for Skyler to find and giving Jesse the opportunity to harm or kill him even for poisoning Brock, unarmed. Hanks basically breaks it down for Jesse and he's right. The show points in that direction or that's how I perceive it because Walt left the voicemail to Jesse after Walt Jr. hugged him and he immediately thought of Jesse. Jesse could have got him in a more private place to harm him even. As he's making the call to Todd at the end you can tell he's distraught but probably thinking to himself what Skyler said earlier in the episode- it's either Jesse or potentially their family. Walt didn't want to kill Jesse, he tried to avoid it, he genuinely saw that option as out of the question when Saul & Skyler suggested it, he legitimately wanted to talk to Jesse and "make him see reason" but when Jesse responded to this suggestion with a vague threat that, at least at that point, was thought to potentially involve Walt's family or going to the dea or his money. He felt he could no longer risk having an unhinged emotionally charged Jesse around potentially causing him real problems. It is only at this point that he reluctantly accepts what both Saul & Skyler suggested as the only practical option. In this back half of season 5 I'm all for team Walt. Especially after watching the series dozens & dozens of times and if you hate the guy- I get that too. He did messed up things like everyone, he can be rough around the edges sure but he shows commendable character for being the antihero he is. Hank does let his "I want to be the guy to slap the cuffs on him" emotions take him over in this season more than any other. Hank had pride and ego like Walt. Hank was head of the dea and keeping Pinkman at his house is crazy when you think about it. Hank couldn't let this go though. Hank could have even let Jesse handle Walt on his own, not intervene by tracking Jesse. I don't think Jr. or Holly was on his mind in those moments either- probably just thinking about his career. When Hank was on to Gus, Mike was worried about the cartel attacking Gus's guys when Hank had eyes on their comings and goings which would create the "perfect storm". The cartel was the rabid dog for Gus and now Jesse is the rabid dog for Walt now that Gus is dead and Hank has his eye on him. I love the parallels in writing between the characters. Also the two–faced pink teddy bear is in a tree behind Walt's house when Hank is escorting Jesse to his car. Post didn't catch it according to my Albuquerque BB tour guide.


Just saying but when he puts the fuel can in the bin and takes it back out, the camera angle changes, so there is actually perfect continuity here. Sorry Pudgey. :/


I never cease to be amazed at how smart and right Spartan is about this show. Especially in the last few seasons. The plot, the insight, the characters. They're both great, but Pudgey is obviously number 2 in these reactions for me


Trivia: - As Walt douses his clothing in gasoline, his gun is shown to be tucked in the back of his underwear. This seems to reference the "Pilot", which also showed Walt having his gun in the back of his underwear. - The scene where Jesse starts recording his confession to Hank and Gomez mirrors Walt's confession in the previous episode. At the same scene, there is a book named "The Rat" while Jesse becomes a "rat". Additionally, the coffee Marie gives to him is in a DEA mug, fitting as he is now working alongside a pair of DEA agents. - When Jesse is getting into Hank's car, the pink teddy bear can be seen stuck in a tree behind him. - The hotel pool where the White family is staying is reminiscent a batch of Blue Sky during its final stage of production. - The scene where Hank and Jesse plot to meet Walt at the plaza, the table centerpiece resembles the 5000 milliliter flask Walt was excited about in Season 1 while stealing glassware from the school.

Lyn Hurst

Mind blowing episode... I was thinking about Walt being the catalyst that propels the corruption further. He is like the gasoline - it may not catch the house on fire, but if someone lights a match - just like Mike said he is definitely a ticking time bomb. As much as we think Hank may care for Jesse, Hank is about getting what he wants as much as Walt is about getting what he wants. That doesn't mean they don't love the people around them, I don't think going to extreme lengths to preserve himself (Walt or Hank) means that they don't care about the people whom they love, but they are definitely blinded by their desires to get the outcome they want and are driven by that in the heat of the moment. I don't think in their case that being evil, hateful, whatever means that they can't love - grey areas some... I do draw the line at children too or murder of anyone. Jesse was right when he said to Hank and Gomie - you two are just guys - Mr. White (and I love how he still calls him Mr. White) is smarter, luckier that anyone... Jesse alone has seen the most of the bad that Walt does. It did break my heart seeing Jesse looking at Walt and Skyler looking like they were having fun in the Christmas photo. It reminds me of how Skyler said to Walt that she can't remember the last time she was happy (I think that was last episode after he came to from fainting). It is a sad story too even though so well done.


I like to think of it as Walter Jr is Walts son and Jessie is Heinsenberg's son. Both only get half of a father figure.


Walt cares about Jesse enough not to murder him but he is fine with murdering those Jesse cares about if it serves his own ends.


Walt tried very hard this episode to not kill jesse bc he obviously cares about him , anyone who’s ever said otherwise didn’t understand the show at all , obviously he’s manipulated and treated jesse bad at times but it does go both ways, I think Walt knows at this point jesse will do anything to get him soo that puts his family in danger as well and skyler’s talk with him as well changed his mind…Also when people say hank is the hero of the story, I don’t think that’s the case, sure he’s a better person than Walt but this episode showed that he’s literally willing to let a young guy that he can clearly see is not a horrible person die just for his benefit, that shows that this show has no good people really and another great performance by Cranston.

allen koch

Huh ,what, don't care, TEAM WALT! let's go!!! Lol


I'm not sure if you guys are gonna be able to wait to watch the rest of the next 2 eps 😅 I can see another binge coming like the end of last season 😅 It's so hard to turn these next few eps off!


She's trying too hard to look for every little detail in order to cope from losing every BB debate from Spartan 😂

Lyn Hurst

I agree as one who has binged this show about 4 x now - definite bingeable episodes coming. 13-14 are like one long episode.

FullMetal B

Just like watching tthe show the when it aired, I want all the remaining episode RIGHT NOW but I also don't want the journey to end!

Rey Jr

I don’t agree with Pudgeys statement that a lot of people said Walt never cared about Jesse. Most just said that Walt cares about him but that never stopped him from manipulating and hurting Jesse so many times. Like with Jane and Brock

J_Fley .

I'd say 3/4 are absolute bangers. The other is also, very good

J_Fley .

He has literally committed 1st degree murder, manufactured probably thousands of pounds of meth, killed at least some others, been an accessory to many murders. His best deal would have been like a private cell for your life sentence.

Cole Troutman

Lol the rest is pure peak


Am i the only one who thinks jesse is a little bitch. not only is he a murderer, a drug addict, an idiot,emotionally unbalanced, coward, but also self righteous. he was the cause of gale dying and walter downfall. i cant stand him


With all the jokes about Pudgey's intelligence, I'd pay to see the 2 of them take IQ tests. 1000% sure Pudgey's score would be higher.


You are one of the few unfortunately. I'm with you on this one.


When is the next release? Looking forward to it!


You're not the only one, I think that too, but we're a minority