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Breaking Bad 4x10 Uncut Reaction | 'Salud'

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/

DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM

P.O box: Spartan & Pudgey P.O Box 8017 Oakleigh East, VIC 3166


Full Length Reaction Guide

We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync.  Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen.  Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0.  Here are some popular ways people sync up the reaction with their own copy of the show:

  • Use a dual monitor PC setup to watch both screens simultaneously
  • Use the split screen functions on your computer/phone to watch them side by side
  • Chromecast / Screenshare one screen to your TV while watching the other screen on a phone or laptop
  • HDMI your laptop / tablet to the TV and use the TV as a 2nd monitor (not mirror display)
  • Use your Smart TV or Gaming console to play the YouTube reaction and your Phone/Laptop to play the show (or other way around)
  • Use Google chromes picture in picture mode to overlay your own copy of the show over our reaction in a smaller window size (Link to the extension here: ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/picture-in-picture-extens/hkgfoiooedgoejojocmhlaklaeopbecg?hl=en )

We hope you enjoy the video!

Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length Breaking Bad S4 E10

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



The pills Gus took were most likely charcoal pills, which would absorb most of the poison, but it's not a 100% antidote so even after throwing it up he suffered some effects.

Lyn Hurst

waiting for 4x11


Although I think Ted's actions after this episode (which you're past now, but [spoiler for anyone not past season 4]) are very dumb, there is really nothing at all wrong with how he acts before finding out where the money came from. His reasoning makes perfect sense from his perspective. He can get a lawyer and may very well be able to hash out a better deal. Even if it's not a lower payment, it could be deferred payments. It makes complete sense for Ted to choose this path and keep his business afloat. Even his reasoning behind buying the car makes sense. He also has no reason at all to think Skyler is in danger. He is no longer being audited after all. They were convinced he was not evading taxes, so the only issue left is payment. A lawyer can very possibly work out a better payment deal for Ted. (There's no trial by the way as Pudgey thought there would be. It would just be lawyers going back and forth making phone calls and coming to an agreement of a payment amount and schedule.) Saul probably knew all of this and that's why he told Skyler it was a bad plan.