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Hey Everyone,

many are asking about The Lord of The Rings Reactions so we wanted to touch base. 

These have been without a doubt some of the most time consuming and difficult to edit Reactions as copyright has been an absolute pain. we have done around 8 revisions so far for part 1 and still havent cleared it for YouTube. Due to that and combined with the 4 hour average watch time these require, these will take a bit of time to get out if copyright doesn't improve. We aim to watch 1 per week and hopefully can get you the movie as close to that as possible. 

The UNCUT reactions are obviously a lot easier to get out but still require a fair bit of work and rendering time so just be patient with us and we are getting them up as soon as we can.

We only just recorded the 2nd movie and so hopefully can get that out in the coming days. 

We appreciate your understanding and support. As we get used to movies and copyright etc. this process will hopefully be a lot smoother. We look forward to sharing our reaction with you all soon!



Thanks for the update, understand how tricky these long movies can be - hope those chairs are comfy!


The fact that you can provide blind reactions to Lotr in the first place is enough for us. Plus I’m uncut watcher anyway


This is awesome. I was wondering if they were going to be a monthly special or something like that! Hope you're also enjoying the journey.

Steven Enderley

Can't wait to see the rest of the series and hopefully The Hobbit as well. Just watched Fellowship uncut yesterday and it was EPIC.


I thought they were going to do breaking bad next? They seem to be doing everything but that.


Breaking bad is replacing game of thrones. Movie reactions are unrelated


Only here for the uncuts so i don't see any problem ;)




I apologize. I thought they were doing the LOTR show that Amazon made. Not as big a fan of LOTR so misunderstood . My best to everyone who enjoys this!


@Kunal Yep I think they said Breaking Bad is intended, assuming all goes to plan, to come out on Demi-god next week (and then will trickle down tiers as with all content).


Thanks for the update. I’m an uncut watcher myself so I’m looking forward to seeing your Two Tower reaction!


A suggestion: If it takes too much time editing or too much cutting of the content to make them ad friendly on YT then just release them without ads in YT. You lose ad money there but in the long run get more patreons by putting up more content

Pat man

take your time guys! remember this should be enjoyable for you, too!


Please dont feel pressured. I'd rather you actually just enjoy watching the movies/shows, and give yourself enough time to properly savour the experience. People can wait. Reactions are a privilege, not an entitlement.

Dan Tydeman

No point rushing it, Love me some LOTR reactions but don't burn yourselves out :)


Amazing news! Take all the time you need. :)


Hype. I’ve watched a few LOTR reactions recently but it makes a big difference when you know the reactors and have seen them react to other media. As others have mentioned, please just do what it takes to savour the experience. Good luck with the copywrite Gods.


I noticed a lot of reactors taking out much of the music and clipping scenes in certain ways to avoid copyright, it does seem to be an editing nightmare. Good luck with it! This is going to be a great journey

Farmer John

Ramon, I'm sure they make more out of patreon, and perhaps Tzeiggi is right about looking at it from a long run perspective, lad meant no harm with what he said.


Appreciate you guys♥️♥️ pumped for it!! Whenever it comes :)))

David Richardson

I understand how much work it must be and the frustration of repeatedly having to edit these reactions, I hope the movies are worth it for you though! I know it'll be worth the wait.


It's a good idea in theory but the youtube algorithm heavily favours monetized content.


At the end of the day we just want you two to enjoy these epic films! Take all the time you need, editing is hard enough as it is but having to conform to the youtube standards must be beyond frustrating! I hope you can tell that from these comments we all just appreciate the hard work.


Unfortunately it's not this simple. The more copyrighted content you upload to YT (even if you don't monetise the video), the more your ad revenue will begin to suffer.


I wish you all the best with the copyright issues and look forward to your uncut version of The Two Towers when it drops. Like many others here, the magic of these reactions for me is being able to recapture the same feelings I had when I saw these masterpieces for the first time. To me, that's an absolutely priceless experience.


Gonna be a busy week where i won't be able to find 4 hours for a LOTR reaction, i would sell my soul to get it today...