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The Legend of Korra 1x12 UNCUT Reaction | 'Endgame'

Full Length Reaction Guide

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The Legend of Korra Uncut Reaction Book 1 E12

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



Yeah, the worst part of Korra was Nickelodeon. lmao


this show is already amazing, but its just such a shame that it wasn't given the proper length it deserved :/. couldve been absolutely perfect. but nonetheless, still an amazing show! cant wait to continue :)

They were only booked for a one season mini series at this point so I agree with everything you guys said. I thought the exact same thing when this aired, the possibility of a storyline where Korra had to relearn the bending types and only being an airbender for a while and keeping the equalist storyline around a bit longer would’ve been ICONIC. They did try and shove like another 5 episodes into this finale and given what they accomplished I think they did a good job. If they had been given a 20 episode season like the original it would’ve been perfect! One thing I disagree with is knowing how Amon took peoples bending, I think the little hint of mystery still left is kind of satisfying!

Daniel Castro

Amon was a fantastic villain. He's the strongest bloodbender EVER. My favorite villain is still to come but the way they wrap season 1 with Aang making his first appearance to Korra was 🤌.

Farmer John

No Pudgey, the symbolism behind Korra's tear falling down the cliff is a bit darker than that lol

Robert L

I don't know why people leave comments saying what seasons are going to be good or bad. Each season has its triumphs and flops. I say it's mostly great.


Can't wait to continue the journey. Especially season 3! Season 2 with the beginnings episodes :)


I disagree. While season 3 has the best action, season 4’s character development is the best in in all of TLK and ATLA besides Zuko’s arc (my opinion). I work as a trauma counselor and their depiction of PTSD was phenomenal.


It has 4 seasons, but when it first came out the producers didn't have any confirmation that it was going to be a long-term project and it was only green-lit for 12 episodes (while ATLA had 20+ per season), which is why season 1 is so rushed and short - all because Nickelodeon thought the show wouldn't be a hit because "boys wouldn't watch a show about a girl" 🙄.


People need to follow the spoiler rules we post on each video or their comments will be passed by S&P at best, and at worst outright deleted. Simple as that.


I like every Korra season but season 2 is the worst by far. It's not even close. That said, for ATLA and TLK standards it's still ok.


Please read and follow the spoiler+posting rules everyone. We post these on each video. If we see comments that are violating these rules, we warn S&P to not read the specific comments, and if time is available, they will end up getting deleted, so there really is no point, they won't be read by S&P. If a certain video becomes sufficiently problematic with this, we will screenshot the safe comments and post them in our discord chat for them to read, so they won't miss anything while avoiding the problematic stuff. It is essential we do this so that S&P can participate with the community while maintaining the quality and blind reactions everyone is here for. Thank you for understanding, and we appreciate you all for coming along with us on this journey! =)


I remember reading a theory/analysis a while ago that Korra fully connected with her spiritual self/entered the Avatar state in this moment because in getting ready to put an end to it, she had let go of all of her earthly attachments (esp. being the Avatar, which had been her life goal since forever) - which unblocked her last chakra (the same one that the guru told Aang to release in ATLA, in order to control his avatar state). Thought it was pretty interesting.

Raven Sub

Amon's quest for power relied on being able to weaponize non-benders. Once that was gone, he had nothing left. When you hit your lowest point, that is when you are open to the most change, right? It was definitely rushed but I don't think it was nonsensical that he would seek his brother at that point. He said it himself, he's all he's got left now.


My favorite quote by Aang “When we hit our lowest point we are open to the greatest change”


You’re doing a great job moderating comments but unfortunately people do not listen.


I believe Amon took away bending by simply doing what chi blockers do, hitting certain pressure points, but doing it internally in their blood so that its permanent.


Yep, once he was revealed as a fraud, the vast majority of his powerbase crumbled then and there. Republic city is huge, and outside forces were en route as well. As powerful of a bloodbender as he is, there was really nothing he could do at that point that wouldn't have almost certainly resulted in his eventual imprisonment/defeat.


She's basically a masculine girl, so they're not wrong.


Tenzin looks like Aang, and is an airbender, but his character is actually more like character - he's very tightly wound and serious, whereas Aang was carefree and jokey.


alot of people are like korra was jus given the power back and the avatar state . but aang said it himself , WHEN WE HIT OUR LOWEST POINT WE ARE OPEN TO OUR GREATEST CHANGE. even in real life thats straight facts.


Aman didnt have anything else to do. You critiqued him switching up after Korra beat him, but the reason he did is because nobody supported him anymore. Once everyone found out he was a bender he lost his power and influence. I think you guys just need to get used to the pacing of this show or you are never going to be full in. This show isnt Avatar, its faster paced and more action the whole show. Also, EYE COLORS HAVE TO DO WITH WHAT BENDING THEY CAN DO. Green = Earth, Blue = Water, Orange = Fire


So what happened is Amon took all her current bendings away and she unlocked air right after, so he technically never took that one away. I know it's confusing because it's never fully explained how that works and could have been done better. NGL, watching Korra speak to Aang and enter the Avatar state for the first time was really epic, but I wish they had Korra with only air trying to connect with Aang for at least another whole season, as they originally planned to do. This would have been even more impactful if it was season 2 finale. But right here it lowers the stakes and negates the consequences that were built up. Forcing Korra to get to this solution through a more difficult path would have made the show a great service, but it is what it is. Still a solid season overall. It was very cool watching your reactions but I subscribed for ATLA and stuck around for this season because it's my favorite of LOK. I might be back for season 3. Hasta la vista!


Yeah more about Korra considering to switch the Avatar settings back to factory 🤣


Season 1 is definitely a bit confusing, and there are a lot of behind-the-scenes reason for it. When Legend of Korra was greenlit, they were only given one season at half the length of ATLA. So story wise, they had to start and finish within 12 episodes and there was no guarantee for the future. That's why they weren't able to fully explain what all happened/how/etc. As each season progresses, they steadily lose budget each time. In my opinion, Season 1 is a bit rough around the edges but is overall great. Season 2 is more hot n cold for me (love some things, hate other things). Seasons 3 and 4 are tied for me. 3 has my favorite for villain, and 4 is my favorite plotline.


I know this but I think they should have left the ending open just in case and then just never close it if they didn't get more seasons, because this finale is a problem the rest of the show has to deal with. Even if Nickelodeon was the true villain, still bad planning from the creators' part IMO

Jeron Edwards

Think of Amon as the ultimate chi blocker he uses blood bending to permanently block your chi


When I first watched it, this is how I interpreted the Airbending loop hole: Amon, like Pudgey theorized, doesn't take away bending, rather, blocks the bending with blood bending. Kind of how the Guru taught Aang to open his chakras to attain control of the Avatar State, I think Amon does the opposite. Maybe not exactly chakras, but chi-blocking with blood. But since Korra had not yet unlocked Air, it was impossible for Amon to block an element that hadn't been unlocked yet. Which is why she was able to use it when she unlocked it. I can't really explain why Aang can return her bending, but I guess... the Avatars just have that power? Haha well we can't all have the answers I guess.

Nate Terry

Yeah, they didn't do a good job explaining taking bending away. However, there is enough information in this season and in ATLA to figure it out. Ty Lee was a chi blocker which perhaps inspired the chi blockers in the equalist movement. The Guru episode in Book2 of ATLA, we learned that one of the Chakras was in the exact spot that Amon put his thumb when he took bending away...so...some advanced form of chi blocking is my take away.

Nate Terry

If you recall how Aang learned to take bending away from Oozai, it was explained to him when he was given the ability back in the series finale of ATLA.

Miguel Sandoval

I cannot wait for you to get to Book 3 🤓