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Avatar The Last Airbender 3x10 & 11 Uncut Reaction | 'The Day of Black Sun'

Full Length Reaction Guide

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We hope you enjoy the video!

Love Spartan & Pudgey


Avatar The Last Airbender Full Length Uncut Reaction Book 3 E10 & 11

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video. Intro: 0:00 - 9:44 Part 1 Reaction: 9:45 - 32:09 Post part 1 Discussion: 32:10 - 35:18 Part 2 Reaction: 35:19 - 57:40 Discussion/Review: 57:41 - 1:07:56 We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey


Petar Mađar

So excited to watch this when i get home

Jay M

Love you guy's reaction and review. Imo this is when Book 3 finally starts steamrolling and become a full on non stop ride all the way til the finale. Every single episode from here on out are 10/10


i like it darker not a big deal tho either is fine

Angel M

Darker. Definitely darker.


So there's usually a bit of confusion regarding the Air Temples. For clarification: -Western Air Temple is where the Gaang is headed -Eastern Air Temple is where Aang first met Appa -Northern Air Temple is where the mechanist and the "gliders" lived, -Southern Air Temple is where Aang grew up and took Sokka and Katara The Western/Eastern Air Temples were traditionally where the female air nomads grew up, and the Northern/Southern were where the males grew up. Also Zuko redirecting the lightning is one of the best moments in the show!


Don't worry Pudgey. no one should put you on blast. the Dual challenge has an official name. its called an Agni Kai. I know that's the name you were trying to remember.

Azula is a prodigy, her firebending is the strongest we’ve seen in the entire series, she’s still training her skills, but she has the raw power that others don’t. I don’t believe they would give her blue flames if there was no distinction there.


darker is better


On Azula's blue flames, I don't think it's just an aspect of her ability, but also her character: she is a perfectionist. We see this in her introductory scene when she gets upset that she got one hair out of place, despite her otherwise perfect form. In the flashbacks in Book 2 we saw that her flames were not always blue (when she performs for Azulon) and we see her commitment to perfection again. Blue flames aren't simply a display of power, they require effort and skill, but Azula is so talented and dedicated that she produces them every single time. Firebenders like Ozai and Iroh who might be more powerful or experienced, do not. But we can see their relative strength in other areas, like lightning bending. Of the few characters who can create lightning, the speed at which they make it shows you something about their skill/strength. Azula is as fast as Iroh. In this episode, Ozai creates lightning almost instantaneously - and from BOTH hands, which no other character has done.


**SPOILER RULES**: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Please allow S&P the same opportunity you all had to enjoy this experience the same way you all were able to. *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* 1. No character/character arc spoilers 2. No future event/episode hints or spoilers 3. No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. 4. No spoilers that are outside of the flavor lore exceptions rule. 5. Minimal setting of expectations for specific episodes or content, especially negative. Too much of this can alter the way they naturally receive and interpret the content. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that is NOT explained by future episodes, but helps provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. An example being how Aang tends to fight defensively due to his air bender background, or is a vegetarian. !!Avatar Discussion Discord Channel!!: **We have a Avatar discussion channel on the Discord! If you want to discuss the reactions or the show in general with others in the community, spoiler discussion is ALLOWED there IF you use spoiler tags for content they haven't seen. We welcome you to join us!* These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: -SuddenImpulse -Wilson -Shellbot - BlackCaiman16 -Jonoridge -JWRANS -CheekyWalrus


Great comment! Yep. Azula is a firebending PRODIGY. Confirmed by both the show itself explicitly (by her brother no less, who would be one of the most knowledgeable/informed to make that kind of judgement) and the show creators. She is extremely skilled, and while she has a rather...verbose and sometimes erratic personality....when it comes to actual bending/combat she is a perfectionist and laser focused. Iroh says this is part of why Zuko was not ready to create lightning, because he was not calm, focused and balanced, whereas Azula can drum it up fairly frequently and easily. Lightning being a feat we only see the most top tier firebenders utilizing safely and consistently. If you focus intently on her movements in battle she is always very precise in all of her movements whereas Zuko is more of a wild raging fire in his mannerisms. a blue flame is the hottest followed by a yellow flame, then orange and red flames. Whether or not that plays into it for the creators I do not know, I know part of the blue flames was to show her proficiency but also to help visually clarify her fire vs other users fire in scenes.


First off, thank you so much S&P for combining the 2 parter episode. I’ve rewatched the show at least 5 times and I still shed a tear along side yall. From here on out every episode is a banger. I can’t wait to see your guys reactions. Random fact. Ming (the female prison guard) who was nice to Iroh is voiced by famous tennis player Serena Williams. She is a huge fan of the show and wanted to partake. It’s cool how this show has touched so many people.


Yes & Guru Pathik who helped Aang with the chakra was in the Eastern Air Temple

Jenny Tolls

Thank you for posting them together instead of making us wait!! Really appreciate it!


I love when Pudgey tears up...makes me appreciate everything so much more. So genuine.

Jenny Tolls

I'm glad I finally got to see Spartan tear up but the scene he teared up for was underwhelming lol there were much sadder scenes that I expected a little something from him but he gets teary eyed from Sokka's dad just saying "I'm proud of you son" lolol I just think that's hilarious. I highly doubt we'll ever see him cry which is understandable.


Just goes to show you what a softie Spartan is at heart. So many scenes in GoT he has avoided it, but then the heartfelt moment in Avatar got to him lol.

Jenny Tolls

Yeah I hate to set up further expectations but I don't think anyone can argue the validity of that. Like each episode really is a heavy hitter after this, except for maybe one could be considered just a filler but it's still really good! I'm looking forward to the ending but also sad we're close to the end! It's a bitter sweet moment.

Jenny Tolls

Yeah I'm surprised none of the scenes made him choked up or teary eyed in GoT lol there's a lot of moments where it should have happened haha


Exactly! It’s ironic cause we think of Azula as quite mentally imbalanced but it’s the kind of madness that stems from absolute conviction. Love the connection to Iroh’s lightning explanation. Her ability to have that perfect calm for lightning is probably the same reason she can lie to Toph so convincingly - she has complete self-belief. It makes sense that Zuko, who spends most of the show with a lost sense of self, can’t do the same (and that Azula can read him like a book). I always assume that blue flame = the hottest was on the creators minds as well, cause you can see when she lights something on fire it transitions to normal orange/red as the heat dissipates. Plus it gives Azula a reason to make the effort.


From what I remember we had to wait months for the follow-up to this amazing two-parter when the show was on the air. It was torturous. Remember last time we saw them Bumi was imprisoned in Omashu and Master Pakku was headed to the Southern Water Tribe. Probably the reasons why they weren't a part of the invasion force. There's many moments that make you think this is one of the best shows ever and these episodes specifically carry them in spades. From Zuko's revelations to Sokka coming into his own to the gang just generally being bosses you can't help but think all the buildup and development has paid off massively. And the best part? There's still ten episodes left! Also prefer the darker lighting lol


fun thing i always loved was that this episode has prooof as to why azula kept mai and tylee around as friends because they possessed skills she did not and understood could benifit her, eluding aang and toph was all acrobatics learned from tylee id assume and when she pulled the hidden blade to litterally shank sokka that was all mai just thought that was always cool and buckle up the final 10 chapters are so intense i cannot wait to see how you guys react


also little fun fact Ming is voiced my Serena Williams the famous tennis player she was a huge fan of the show and reached out the the creators asking to play a small role and they gave her Ming

Saibal Sarkar

This was awesome, loved that you enjoyed these two episodes so much. It really was so emotional. I was tearing up with you too


He’s def gona tear up before this show ends lol there’s so much greatness waiting for them from here till the end.

Nate Terry

Azula didn't know for sure that the avatar was alive, but she suspected it which is why she gave zuko the credit just in case. Remember in this episode, when team avatar busted into the throne room bunker, Azula said "so, the avatar survived after all.." She did know about the invasion plan of course from the earth king, so obviously she would have to tell the fire lord to prepare for the day of the black sun, but again, she didnt know for sure about the avatar, and since she lied to her father about zuko killing him, she couldn't spoil that on just a "suspicion." Which is why Ozai was surprised to hear it from Zuko.

Casein Nitrate

darker lighting is better imo


I do wish we got to see Iroh escape. It would've been dope as hell