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Avatar The Last Airbender 2x20 Reaction & Review | 'The Crossroads of Destiny'

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Avatar The Last Airbender 2x20 REACTION and REVIEW |FIRST TIME Watching| 'The Crossroads of Destiny'

Avatar The Last Airbender | Book 2 Episode 20 | Reaction & Review | "The Crossroads of Destiny" We are super keen to finally break out into the animated show community, and what better way than with Avatar The Last Airbender. This has been requested heaps by our viewers and hyped up, so we can't wait to delve into Aang's life and see what his adventure has in stall for us! Introduction: 0:00 - 5:01 Reaction: 5:02 - 20:35 Discussion/Review: 20:36 - 33:08 Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #ATLA #avatarthelastairbender #reaction



As soon I saw the notification, I knew it was time 😊


Beautiful finale! I'm so happy yall loved it, it shook me when Aang died in the avatar state, imagine if Katara wasn't there. Those two are an insane duo. Zuko relapsing into his old ways was heartbreakingggg, I feel so bad for Iroh, and he obviously regrets it as well, but he made his decision. Even after all Iroh's done for him, that sucks man. Iroh deserves the world, L Nephew. 😭


You have to consider what Azula told him is literally all he’s been after since he got banished. That’s incredibly hard for him to pass up which is why he didn’t. Obviously he still feels conflicted and is thinking of Iroh and how he betrayed him but Azula was just too convincing which is credit to her as well. She’s aware of what Zuko wants at this point and she used it to her advantage.


Awesome reaction you two! This is such an intense finale. There's some pretty iconic lines in it too. My faves: 1) Sokka: "Good inside of him isn't enough! Come back when there's good outside of him too." 2) Long Feng: "You've beaten me at my own game." Azula: "Don't flatter yourself. You were never even a player." (Honestly, everything Azula says is pretty iconic. She's a great villain lol)


An interesting detail about this episode: After Azula zaps Aang and basically kills him, and we see Katara catch him, the particular pose of Katara holding a dying/dead Aang in her arms is very reminiscent of a sculpture by Michaelangelo called 'La Pietà'. Its a sculpture depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the body of Jesus after he was taken down from the cross. I guess the artists for this episode wanted to evoke the same feeling of witnessing the Avatar (which is a messianic figure in this world) dying and then being resurrected (thanks to Katara's special spirit water).


Pudgey's slow expression change as she realizes Zuko chose to side with Azula is amazing lol

Gabriel Barott

Everyone spamming "GOT", and I'm sitting here like MORE ATLA PLS M8


I really don’t think they realized aang legit dies in this episode and kataras spirit water saved him . the time between lightning and the spirit water aang was gone gone because don’t they say lightning is a one hit kill if its not redirected? especially when you see the detail of the exit point on his foot when hes falling


She healed the wound. If aang would have died , she can’t revive him


thats true!!! ig dying…without katara intervention he would be dead but yes you’re right if he was dead and not dying it wouldnt have worked..maybe? who knows w spiritual stuff


I think a big point that me and others missed initially is that a huge reason Aang was weak this fight is because he failed at unlocking the last chakra and that had some contribution to his weakness, idk, could be wrong, also, he is 12, he is nonowhere near a fully realized Avatar with the chakras unlocked, if that were the case Azula would have no chance in hell. Also yeah Kataras power came out of nowhere nobody expected her to whop Azula.


Aang’s weakness is his own fighting style which is mostly defensive. He had to take a few hits to get it thru to him that his way of fighting wasn’t going to work in this scenario. But once he realized it and had enough, he was ambushed by the Dai Li.


Remember at the end when Jet told Katara he would be fine? Toph confirmed he was lying. We never get a clear answer about what happened to him, but the consensus is that Jet died.


Honestly the escalation in seriousness between seasons 1 and 2 is still crazy impressive, especially for a “kid’s show.” Rewatching this with you guys reminded me just how well these episodes were handled- they do some serious stuff without it feeling over-blown or corny.

Jonny Rey

The bending fights in Avatar are the most impressive part of the entire series. They always find a way to make the next fight more intense than the last one, and there’s usually a new bending technique in every single fight, in ways you never imagined it could be used. When Aang sent his “air body” flying at Zuko… epic.


**SPOILER RULES**: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Please allow S&P the same opportunity you all had to enjoy this experience the same way you all were able to. *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* 1. No character/character arc spoilers 2. No future event/episode hints or spoilers 3. No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. 4. No spoilers that are outside of the flavor lore exceptions rule. 5. Minimal setting of expectations for specific episodes or content, especially negative. Too much of this can alter the way they naturally receive and interpret the content. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that is NOT explained by future episodes, but helps provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. An example being how Aang tends to fight defensively due to his air bender background, or is a vegetarian. !!Avatar Discussion Discord Channel!!: **We have a Avatar discussion channel on the Discord! If you want to discuss the reactions or the show in general with others in the community, spoiler discussion is ALLOWED there IF you use spoiler tags for content they haven't seen. We welcome you to join us!* These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: -SuddenImpulse -Wilson -Shellbot - BlackCaiman16 -Jonoridge -JWRANS -CheekyWalrus


This finale is so sick😩 the emotion, the fight scenes, Iroh, Aang, Zuko, Katara, BOSCO?! 🧸 This cliff hanger had me frothing at the mouth for book 3 when it was first released— I hope y’all are similarly ravenous haha bc I quite literally CAN’T WAIT until the next ATLA upload! AND ON TOP OF THAT GOT JUST DROPPED 💞😩❤️✨🫣😤😭🤞🏾 Y’all are the absolute best! Congrats again on full time🥳


Yes Azula is great at manipulation, its also her brother. She understands his personality, his goals, his way of thinking, generally.


Indeed. When the creators discussed this episode they stated Aang had a "fatal wound" and indicated that he was on the brink of death. He hadn't died yet, but if it were not for Katara's timely intervention with the special spirit water, he would have.


Holy shit what is all these GoT spam. At least don’t spam in an ATLA reaction video 😅 Anyways so excited to watch you guys reaction to the finale wooo


We might start deleting those comments in the future if they aren't on the video for the appropriate show. People trying to discuss and comment on the episode shouldn't have to sift through comments related to another show. Especially not on such a big episode... I would have done it myself but only the Patreon owners have that power.


I will not stand for this Bosco harassment


Love watching people make the transition from "fun show" to "fantastic"! Welcome S&P


I cried on this episode. I cry on almost EVERY episode, lol. Katara is a major force to be reckoned with. Aang is still learning to be the Avatar he needs to become. This fight was EPIC! Everyone shined in this episode. I'm so mad that Zuko chose to side with Azula. She is such a menacing character. Iroh is now captured by the fire nation. I'm mad at Zuko for that. Come on Zuko you need to come to terms with your destiny!!!! I can't wait for you guys to watch Book 3! It's SOOOOOO good, let's GO! Love you S&P.


Do you know you have the same exact name as a former NBA player? Lol


Iroh still proving he's the best character. Glad you guys loved it so much.


Yes, fun fact: my older cousin used to coach him when he was little.


Really cool how both of you made predictions that came through in this episode. I’m also amused by Pudgy thinking there could be a Zuko/Katara connection. When this series first came out, there was a huge online shipping war between people who thought Katara should become romantically involved with Zuko versus those who thought it should be Katara and Aang. There were plenty of heated discussions over it. LOL! There is one interesting detail about the Earth King, that I’m not sure whether you have heard yet or not. As the Earth Kingdom is loosely based on China, the Earth King is loosely based on the last Emperor of China. He also lived a very sheltered life inside of the Forbidden Palace. It was quite a number of years before he ever stepped foot outside of the palace. And during that time China was rapidly changing, and a great deal of what was going on was hidden from him. They even gave him a bit of the appearance of China’s Last Emperor, especially with the costume and with the eyeglasses being a nice detail. There was an Academy Award winning movie based on his life, called The Last Emperor that came out in 1987. The cinematography in that film is incredible.